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玛瑙的亮灯擎在你手里。The agate lamp within thy hand!

Tiffany黑玛瑙佛珠水泡项链。Toggle necklace. Black onyx beads.

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还有很多25管状玛瑙珠。A lot of 25 tubular cornelian beads.

然后,橙红色玛瑙是给你的。Then red-orange Carnelian is for you.

且有含水玛瑙,称为水胆玛瑙。And a water agate, called water bile agate.

上等的雨花石是一种玛瑙。The first-class Yu-hua-shi is a kind of agate.

这可是天然玛瑙打磨出来的。They are finely polished natural grains of agate.

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它是圆的,大小很像一个小的黄色的玛瑙。It is round, like the size of a small yellow agate.

他家里连打醋的瓶子都是玛瑙做的。Even the vinegar bottle in his house is made of agate.

从圣保罗到玛瑙斯的航程约四个个小时。The flight lasted four hours from São Paulo to Manaus.

月长石,缠丝玛瑙,象群,以及一家潮湿昏暗的小酒馆…Moonstone, sardonyx, elephants, and a small dark bistro.

现在它的功能玛瑙磨砂皮革中强调橙色。It now features Onyx Nubuck leather highlighted in orange.

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天然玛瑙保健枕是获国家专利的产品。Bao Jianzhen natural agate is the national patent products.

表冠以一颗华丽的凸圆形黑缟玛瑙装饰。The crown is decorated with a stunning black onyx cabochon.

一个镶嵌着玛瑙和琉璃的大衣柜占满了墙的一角。A large press, inlaid with agate and lapis-lazuli, filled one.

紫罗兰色玛瑙鼻烟壶,肩上小耳。Creamy agate snuff bottle with two small ears on the shoulder.

镐玛脑,玛瑙石英制造圣甲虫。The Greeks used onyx, agate, and quartz in making their scarabs.

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全新的玛瑙皮肤摩托罗拉公司所有子有图标的支持。Brand New Onyx skin by Motorola Inc. All submenus have Icon support.

玛瑙具有脂肪或腊状光泽,半透明,贝壳状断口。Onyx has a fat or wax-like luster, translucent, conchoidal fracture.

漂亮!第一张图中刀鞘和柄上镶嵌的是玛瑙吗?Beautiful! Is the thing inlaid in the scabbard and handle carnelian ?