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历史上的今天-首位澳大利亚出生的总督first Australian-born Governor-General of Australia

如果当选,拜登将成为首位天主教徒副总统。If elected, Biden would be the first Catholic vice president.

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首位入住的客人是名作家兼主持人的史帝芬博莱。The first guest in the hotel was famous author and host, Stephen Fry.

李小龙是本港首位到荷里活闯出名堂的武打巨星,到现时他还是众人的偶像。Bruce Lee has been and still is a popular Hollywood idol action figure.

他的父亲,亨利七世,是特德家族首位成为英国统治者的人。His father, Henry VII, was the first of the Tudor family of English rulers.

首先,阶级作为首位意识必须被提升为个人主义的解毒剂。First, the primacy of class must be promoted as an antidote to individualism.

根据这份名单,古纳尔已是第三年位居名单首位了。According to The Tribune, Gunnell topped the list for the third straight year.

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米兰拥有首位赢得金球奖的意大利球员——吉安尼·里维拉。First Italian player to have won the prestigious Ballon d'Or in Gianni Rivera.

音悦台是美国公告牌首位联合榜单合作伙伴。Yinyuetai. com is the first co-branded charts partner with Billboard in China.

他担着首位破产铁路大亨的名声,这也算是种荣誉吧。He has the dubious distinction of being the first railway baron to go bankrupt.

詹妮弗。费格成为首位记录在册的游过大西洋的女性。Jennifer Figge became the first woman on record to swim across the Atlantic Ocean.

结论通过首位串联可以实现HEV线性表位较高效的表达。ConclusionHigh level expression of epitope from HEV could be achieved by tandem repeats.

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如果所言非虚,莲舫将成为首位进入日本内阁的华裔女性。If it comes true, Renho will become the first female of Chinese origin to enter the cabinet.

我的信心高涨,因为我知道我将要成为首位遨游太空的教师。My confidence soared as I knew that I would be the one who would be the first teacher in space.

全球首位攀上世界最高峰「圣母峰」的登山英雄艾德蒙希拉瑞爵士,躺在棺材内安息。The ice-pick Mount Everest hero Sir Edmund Hillary used to conquer Everest sits on his casket at St.

赞比亚首位民选总统弗雷德里克·齐卢巴近日在家中逝世,享年68岁。Frederick Chiluba, Zambia's first democratically elected president, has died at home at the age of 68.

相关的例子就是捏造的数字被基于首位考虑并让希腊进入了欧元区。A case in point is the fudged figures on which Greece's entry into the zone were based in the first place.

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垃圾狗用来首位这些地方,它们会攻击或朝想要进入的人吠。Mean dogs are often used to guard this property. They bark or attack people who try to enter the property.

这篇文章是克里斯蒂安•阿诺就为什么学习另一种外语应排在任务清单首位这一话题而作的客座文章。This is a guest post from Christian Arno on why learning second language should be top of your to-do list.

拉姆兹出生于摩洛哥,是巴林首位奥运冠军,也是此次被罚五人中唯一一名金牌得主。Moroccan-born Ramzi, Bahrain's first Olympic champion was the only gold medalist among the five sanctioned.