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院落别墅的时代之筵。Era' feast of yard villa.

蒙面人像幽灵一般穿过月光下的院落。The masked men ghosted across the moonlit yard.

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秋季的自然风光,泛着潮气的院落和小道,将会给您带来愉快的视觉享受。Autumn landscapes and wet yards and lanes are to your pleasure.

四合院是北京传统的院落式住宅形式。Siheyuan is the traditional courtyard-style residence of Beijing.

月亮门把整个院落分成了里院和外院。The moon gate divided the whole courtyard into inner and outer portions.

这是一个中国四合院式的院落,桃李满园,绿意盎然。This is a Chinese courtyard of the compound, exchanging rain, the green.

到达兹利坦后,我们被带到一个有四个巨大仓库的院落里。We arrived in Zlitan and were taken to a compound of four huge warehouses.

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此外,对家庭院落的墙壁和其它表面进行清理。In addition walls and other surfaces in family compounds have been cleaned.

当这幅画上一次被出售——在1884年——时,柯比朗斯代尔教堂院落得到了820坚尼。When it was last sold in 1884, Kirkby Lonsdale Churchyard fetched 820 guineas.

小屋有一个走廊和一个小院落,在进门处还有一个带棚的门廊。The house has a side and backyard, and a screened-in porch around its entrance.

“别小看这些院落,建的时辰,可比盖楼费功夫”。You can't look down upon these courtyards, it took more time than any buildings.

本•拉登被击毙时藏身的院落如今成为了一处“恐怖”旅游目的地。The compound where Bin Laden was killed has become a ghoulish tourist attraction.

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在东北,马路和院落里到处都晒满了玉米,算下来成本一月不过十几元钱。In Northeast China, the roads and yards are all covered by corn drying in the sun.

走进七号院,您将感受到院落的古老和质朴。Walking into the Courtyard 7, you will feel and smell its antiquity and rusticity.

而建筑空间组合形式也多种多样,出现了单屋、楼屋、院落等组合模式。And Space Combined had been variety as single house, pavilion, courtyard and so on.

图中房屋院落佔地三分之一英亩,有树木和草坪。Courtyard area of the figure one-third acres of housing, there are trees and lawns.

这个地方被称为克洛宁院落,它是属于这里的地方——必须是。THE place was called Cronin’s Yard, and it was somewhere around here — it had to be.

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阿巴斯表示,院落应保持原貌,这样才能留住这段历史。Mr Abbas said the compound should be untouched so it could remain a piece of history.

一处实现了数个国家、几代人居住理想的院落别墅。A yard villa realized the living ideal of a couple of nations and several generations.

一个小型或中型的四合院的主门通常设在院落的东南角。A small medium-sized Siheyuan usually has its main gate built at the southeastern corner.