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男人嘛毕竟都是要面子的。Man be keen on face-saving after all.

很重要的一个原因就是要面子罢了。It is a question of pride as much as anything else.

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他由于死要面子而不肯承受协助。He refused to accept help out of a false sense of pride.

哎呀,不要这样死要面子啦,告诉我真心话吧!。Oh, don't be so respectable! Tell me what you really feel.

不要脸的人生不需要死要面子的解释。No need to ask for the vain explanation to a shameless life.

反现代,要面子,是南方人两大特征So anti-modernism and honor are two hooks you can hang your hats on.

要面子的谢思潇自然不会承认自己对王星的心思,一如既往的口是心非。Proud Xie Sixiao natural wont admit to wangs mind, as always duplicity.

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所有州长的毛病就是死要面子。The trouble with governors is, they think they gotta keep their dignity.

基本就没把亲家和本人放在眼里,十分要面子的郝建国觉的没有脸面!Basic didn't put in-laws and I put in eyes, very HaoJianGuo felt no hadn't face!

我记得有一天,一位贫穷但很要面子的男人来我家结账。I remember one poor, proud man coming to our door one day to settle his account.

汤姆总是承诺一些他无法完成的事情,这就是所谓的死要面子了。Tom always promise to do something he can't do, which is so called big hat, no cattle.

这就是我们现在所说的‘死要面子活受罪、赔了丈夫又折兵’吧。This is what we now call 'Siyaomianzi a pain, lost her husband and folding soldiers' it.

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那一天永远也不会到来。塞娜知道,贝尔·伊布利斯议员很要面子,不会承认自己的错误。That day never happened, and Sena realized that the Senator was too proud to admit his mistake.

他很要面子,以致不愿在公共场合被人看到他和自己不懂得配搭衣服的妈妈在一齐。Mother was so angry that her face was drained of blood when she knew his son had committed the crime.

他们不象法国人那样喜欢漫无边际的幻想,也不象英国人那样讲派头、要面子。They do not like the French people did like idle fantasy, as the British did not say posture to face.

她认为陈利的做法是太要面子的表现,让人觉得恐怖。She believed Chen's behavior implied that he cared too much about dignity, which was a little horrible.

熟悉我的人都知道我是个冷性格的人,康康说我狮子座的人要面子。All my acquaintances know me as a man of cool character. Ice. Kang said that people of lion constellation are keen on face-saving.

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“是,”尚城说,他也知道韩桢这流氓要面子,这样问,也只是让自己给他个台阶下。Still"is, " city says, he also knows Han Zhen's this rascal to want a face and asks like this and also just let ego to his the step is next.

金多宝在电话里大骂牛胜利,牛胜利没给她寄钱,金多宝很要面子,旅馆老板劝她去找周斯伟。Gold stupa called cow victory over the phone, cattle victory didnt send her money, gold stupa is very proud, the landlord advised her to find Zhou Siwei.

要面子和维护面子是一层和朋友之间的保护网,即使是你最亲密的朋友,也要给他留面子。Want the face and the maintenance faces are one protection nets between layer and friend, even is you most intimate friend, also want to stay face for him.