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试演一出戏。Try out for a play.

对不起,我明天要试演。I'm sorry, I have an audition.

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你打算试演这个角色吗?Do you plan to audition for the part?

我也盼着其它的好剧本和试演机会。I’m looking at scripts and auditioning.

这出戏定于今晚试演。The play is due to be previewed tonight.

他试演男管家这个角色He auditioned for the role of the butler.

她正在试演克娄巴特拉这个角色。She's trying out for the part of Cleopatra.

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他们让他试演剧中的一个角色。They auditioned him for a part in the play.

导演为那个新戏正请几位演员试演。The director is trying out some actors for the new play.

导演计划明天上午让舞蹈演员试演。The producer plans to audition dancers tomorrow morning.

试演是在降落的表演工作的重要一步。Acting auditions are an important step in landing an acting job.

该节目进行了试演以了解观众的反应。The programme was given a trial run to gauge viewers' reactions.

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我的意思是,我不认为丹泽尔华盛顿试演他妈的,你呢?I mean, I don't think Denzel fucking Washington auditions, do you?

明天我在那个剧里试演一个角色,我希望能录取。I'm auditioning for a part in the play tomorrow, and I hope I get it.

演员马克哈米尔试演,并获得了在电影中的角色配音。Actor Mark Hamill auditioned for and received a voice role in the film.

在那个月里,我大概参加了20次不同的试演会、选角会。During that month, I went to about 20 different auditions and castings.

威廉姆曾去试演过哈利·波特,但没有拿到这个角色。William auditioned for the role of Harry Potter, but didn't get the part.

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每场试演会都让我变得越来越在意自己的身高。At every audition, I was growing more and more self-conscious of my height.

要获取有关如何在试演的一本免费视频行事额外的提示。Get tips on how to be an acting extra in this free video on acting auditions.

第二天运气更好,我的试演好极了。The next day turned out to be super lucky. My audition couldn’t have gone better.