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破音还晋级!搞我是吧!Broken sound also cut! Do I!

我真心希望他们能够一路晋级。I really hope they go all the way.

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他的全部希望寄托在他的晋级上。All his hopes centred on his promotion.

长期离职会影响晋级。Staying away so long from office will affect promotion.

喀麦隆队击败塞拉利昂队之后也成功晋级。Cameroon have also qualified after beating Sierra Leone.

不过即使他们能够晋级,这样的表现也无法让人乐观。Even if they progress, this display did not stir optimism.

2008年2月,晋级弹道导弹核潜艇首次被发现存在。Jin-class SSBN were first seen at Hainan in February 2008.

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我觉得他们有从小组中晋级的能力。I think they have what it takes to progress from the group.

如果男孩闪开了这把箭,他就可以成功晋级称为一名真正的战士了。If the boy dodged the arrow he proved to be a real soldier.

我们的目标是在本轮结束战斗,确保晋级。Our object is to close the round and seal the qualification.

DARPA要求晋级团队递交一份全新的计算机设计方案。Making the cut will demand a total rethink of computer deign.

在夏级之后的潜艇是094晋级核潜艇。The follow-on to the Xia class is the Type-094 Jin class SSBN.

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8局内任何一方率先取得5局胜利为胜者,晋级下一轮次。Team who has 5 wins in 8 battles first, who rise to next round.

他们享有先客后主的优势,这是他们晋级的最大砝码。They're away at Anfield in the first leg and that's a big factor.

今年的维加斯扑克冠军杰瑞杨的晋级之路也是如此。This year's winner in Vegas , Jerry Yang, qualified the same way.

大多数人都认我们有很大的几率晋级,我也这么认为。Most people would think that we have a good chance. I think we do.

西班牙赢得了随后的两场比赛,以小组第一的身份晋级。Spain won their two subsequent games to finish top of their group.

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如果我们赞成一个平等的晋级原则,我们可能做的更好。We could do better if we agree to a qualified principle of equality.

莱克普斯纳也不错,在小组里力压尤文图斯而晋级。And Lech Poznan did well in their group to qualify ahead of Juventus.

所以,再次的,象怀基基和邦迪这样名气大的海滩没有获得晋级。So, once again, big names like Waikiki and Bondi didn't make the cut.