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是蓝色的珊姆桑奈皮包。It's blue, Samsonite bag.

我的皮包忘在火车上了。I left my bag on the train.

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法老都瘦得皮包骨头,”我说。Pharaohs are skinny, " I say.

他偷了一位乘客的皮包。He picked up a passenger's bag.

你能不能不要背皮包?。Could you try it without the purse?

每粒种子都由种皮包住。Each seed is covered by a seed coat.

然后她拿起来他的蛇皮包。Then she picked up her snakeskin bag.

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我说如果我想当皮包呢?What if I wanna be a- a purse, you know?

Stolte拿出一个小皮包。Stolte takes out a small leather satchel.

我忘了我将皮包放在什么地方。I do not remember where I put my billfold.

在休息室里,他迅速地打开皮包。In an anteroom he hastily opened his briefcase.

有可以共患难朋友,胜过皮包装满钱。Friend in court is better than a penny in purse.

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这种秤将是皮包肉骨的人的最爱。This type of scale should be the bony's favorite.

发现那个皮包的人,是我的小妹安娜。It was my little sister, Anna, who found the purse.

我觉得你瘦得皮包骨头。你应该增重才行。I think you are skinny. You should gain some weight.

古缇又一系列经典实用的真皮包上市了!New series of classic and practical leather bags arrived!

他打开皮包,给她看里头褪色的大头贴。He opened the bag and gave her to see the picture is fading.

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织唛章适用于服装,皮包等。Mark weaving Chapter applies to clothing, handbags and so on.

这只猫几个星期没喂食了,都瘦成皮包骨头了。The cat had not been fed for weeks and was just a bag of bones.

第二天,莎曼珊和我去山谷区找芬迪牌皮包。The next day, Samantha and I went to the Valley for Fendi bags.