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压力随温度成正比例变化,与容积成反比例变化。Pressure varies directly with temperature and inversely with volume.

伟大的成绩和辛勤的劳动是成正比例的,有一分劳动就有一分收获。The great achievements are directly proportional to hard work, no pain, no gain.

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热取样氧化铁皮厚度与热轧板厚度成正比例关系。And, the thickness of hot sample scale is directly proportional to that of HR sheet.

根据阀瓣的这种形动形式,阀座通口的变化就是与阀瓣行程成正比例关系。The diametre of seat turns bigger when flap moves higher and smaller when flap lower.

我们与他人共享幸福的同时,也在正比例地增加自己的幸福。When we share our happinexswith others, we have increased our happiness in direct ratio.

全面规划似乎阻碍了经济规模与增长成正比例的发展。Total planning seems to obstruct growth in direct proportion to the scale of the economy.

一个人对法律和秩序的尊重程度和他薪水的多少成精确的正比例关系。A man's respect for law and order exists in precise relationship to the size of his paycheck.

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净电荷数在pH、温度和蛋白质浓度一定的条件下,随水解度的增加成正比例关系增大。The net charge of EMP with certain PH, temperature and protein concentration is proportional to the DH.

对于随机分布孔洞的碳酸盐岩储层而言,地震波能量与孔洞密度成正比例关系。For carbonate reservoir with random arranged vug, seismic wave amplitude is proportional to vug density.

学生体重的变动率的增加与血压变动量成正比例关系。The rate of blood pressure change might rise with the rising rate of body weight change in university students.

试验结果表明,原子氧对材料的剥蚀量与原子氧的作用时间成正比例关系。The experimental results showed that the mass loss of atomic oxygen effects is in proportion to the irradiation time.

某个产品对于获得LEED认证点数的贡献与该产品的成本占整个建筑材料成本的比重成正比例关系。The product's contribution toward earning LEED points is proportional to the product's cost relative to total building material cost.

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通过对柱状节理流纹岩成分及结构构造的研究,表明本区的流纹岩柱体直径与其对应的显微组构斑晶大小成正比例相关。Crypto-explosive breccia structures were well developed. The diameter of prisms is in proportion to the size of micro-fabric phenocryst.

当信息共享存在时,供应商的收益与零售商成本方差、零售商间成本的相关系数成正比例关系。With cost information sharing, the manufacturer's profit is directly proportional to the cost variance of the retailers and the correlation coefficient of the products.

研究了采用系统广义能量的最大值作为起控条件,实施正比例系统参数微扰,脉冲控制混沌的方法。Using the maximum value of the system general energy as the control conditions and using proportional system parameter impulse perturbation to control chaos are studied.

引入两个实函数成正比例的概念,给出了勾股定理及余弦定理的有趣的推广。In this paper, the notation that two real functions are proportional is introduced. By using Caculus, The generalizations of Pythagolas's theorem and the law of cosines are obtained.

世界各国经济发展的事实表明,一个区域经济的发达程度同本地产业集群的发展成正比例关系。The facts of economical development of world countries indicate that the upgrowth degree of a regional economic is a direct proportion to the development of this area" s industry clusters."

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世界各国经济发展的事实表明,一个区域经济的发达程度同本地产业集群的发展成正比例关系。The facts of economic development of countries around the world show that a regional economic level and the development of local industry cluster exists a directly proportional relationship.

我们在这个世界上到底能占有多少空间,是和我们为他人利益所提供之服务的质与量,以及提供服务时所产生出的心态,成正比例的关系。Acknowledge that the space you occupy in this world is in exact ratio to the quantity and quality of the service you render for the benefice of others, plus the mental attitude in which you render it.