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喂,领班为什么把你炒了?Say, why did the foreman fire you?

果菜市场的领班告诉我。The manager of produce market told me.

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行李领班,礼宾主管,前厅部经理。Bell Captain, Concierge, Front Office Manager.

我们的领班不给我茶休的时间。Our bloody-minded foreman wouldn't give us a tea break.

请把手提箱寄放在领班服务台好吗?Could you leave your suitcase at the Bell Captain's Desk?

你好,我是铁工领班,我负责这项工作。Hello, I'm the foreman of fitter, I'm in charge of this job.

我的名字叫做巴尼。巴尔波盖兹,我是这个马戏团的领班。My name is Barney Balbogets and I am the ringmaster of this circus.

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领班准备这星期提交他的辞职书。The chief of staff is expected to tender his resignation this week.

他们就像华尔街“香肠工厂”的领班。They were the line foremen at the giant Wall Street sausage factory.

监管专区厨师长,专业厨师,厨师领班和厨师。Supervise activities of sous-chefs, specialist chefs, chefs and cooks.

餐厅领班排名第一,因为前景黯淡。The headwaiter of restaurant ranks the first because of the dark future.

什么酒配牛排好吃呢?我们已向领班点了精美的肉片了。What is good for the steak?We ordered filet mignon to the captain already.

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甚至领班或第一线的监督人员也有任用的责任。Even the foremen or first-level supervisors have a staffing responsibility.

领班应事先用电话就打扫房间事宜向客人确认。Shift Leader should phone the DND room to obtain permission to clean the room.

领班自豪的说,那小艇光滑漂亮,节能又环保,可以循环使用,就好像是在说自己的孩子那样温柔。The boats, the foreman boasts softly, are sleek, energy-saving and recyclable.

至少有一至两年在其它酒店当领班的工作经验。At least 1-2 years of experience Floor Supervisor in other hotel establishment.

领班,这种薰鲑鱼很好,很棒,请多给我一些续随子酱好吗?Captain. This smoked salmon is very good. Excellent. May I have some more capers?

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监管专业厨师,厨师领班,厨师和其他厨工。Supervise activities of specialist chefs, chefs, cooks and other kitchen workers.

领班对来宾温文有礼,但是对侍者却很倔强。The headvertisementswaiter was debonair with the guests but firm with the waiters.

在马戏团领班的大捧场后,这个马戏院团的表演却出现了令人扫兴的结尾。The circus act came as an anticlimax after the big build up given by the ring master.