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我不知道新开传世我会改的,我保证。I'll chcontinually being ange! I promise.

乐府元白体,诗文传世长。Yue Fu Yuan white, handed down the long poems.

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跟老天生气没关系传世私服元神版,他可以承受的住的。it's ok to get angry with god. he can take it.

数学大师欧拉的传世之作。阅读他的著作,是学习数学的最好途径。Read Euler, read Euler, he is the master of us all.

这支来自德国汉诺威的乐队有着多首传世经典之作。The band from Hannover, Germany has many classic hits.

为传世汝瓷罕见之精品。For handed down your porcelain rare high-quality goods.

但愿你方在最传世的期间寄送给我们。Hope you will send us them in your earliest convenience.

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汝窑传世作品不足百件,因此非常珍贵。Ru handed down less than one hundred works, so very precious.

传世唐卡大都是藏传佛教和苯教作品。Thangka handed down mostly works of Tibetan Buddhism and Bon.

只有你才能听见我,今天我们要奏响怎样的传世之作呢?Only u can hear me summoner, what master piece shall we play today?

五牛图,中国十大传世名画之一。Penta- Bull plans, Chinese paintings handed down one of the top 10.

不过,第帕顿拒绝透露公司的传世窖藏当中还有多少瓶路易十三。He declined to reveal how many bottles remain in the heritage cellars.

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梅塞纳斯自己也写散文与诗歌,但仅有断片传世。Maecenas himself wrote both prose and verse, but only fragments survive.

酒醉而成传世诗作,这样的例子在中国诗史中俯拾皆是。Drunk and into his famous, such examples in history of China in negligible.

终其一生,张祜有500余首诗歌作品传世。He left more than 500 poems to later generations during his whole lifetime.

传世的“群经诸子”,主要是汉人的文本。The most famous classical ones we read now are mainly texts of Han Dynasty.

王羲之已经没有真迹传世了,现在传世的都是钩填本。The authentic copies of Wang Hsi-chih's calligraphy are no longer available now.

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从传世文献记载的商族起源来看,商族尊崇母性。From historical documents we learn that the Shang nationality worshiped maternity.

马友友,国际最顶尖的大提琴演奏家之一,精彩演绎巴赫的传世经典。Yo-Yo Ma, one of the greatest cellists, in Bach's monumental works for solo cello.

其传世作品不多,但篇篇俱是风云激荡时代作者心态的真实记录。All of his numbered works are portraiture of his inner feelings in the turbulent era.