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这全是假定。These are all perhapses.

我会给出下面的假定。I'll assume the following.

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假定所有输入都可疑。Assume all input is suspect.

假定,他懂得礼貌。Presumably, he felt modesty.

我假定这些只是排版错误。I assume these are just typos.

我们假定她是一位厨师。Let’s postulate that she is a cook.

也假定了一个初始条件。We've assumed an initial condition.

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你不能假定自己就是一个专家。You aren’t supposed to be an expert.

我可以假定你的工资没升吗?I take it you didn't get the pay raise?

神经网络也可假定为可以学习。Neural nets are also supposed to learn.

让我们先假定他赢得这场比赛。Let us presuppose that he wins the game.

没有,我们只是被要求来假定这种罪恶的行为。No, we're being asked to assume that evil.

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这个计划建议假定英国独自行动。This plan supposes that the UK acts alone.

假定,他有社交兴趣。Presumably, he had some sociable interests.

我假定你们中没有人有那个信念。I presume that none of you have that belief.

假定,他有抱负和动力。Presumably, he had some ambitions and drive.

那么就假定他们在伦敦吧。Well, then -- supposing them to be in London.

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假定B是核的横截面积。B is the assumed cross-section of the nucleus.

假定狐狸传教,公鸡便该沉思。When the fox preaches, the cock should ponder.

编写良好的程序可以避免这些假定。A well-written program avoids those assumptions.