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我向你要约翰的头。I ask of you the head of Iokanaan.

投资意向书是个有条件的要约。A term sheet is a conditional offer.

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在那里,他们将约瑟卖给一个财主,要约瑟为他工作。There they sold him to work for a rich man.

判决-一个要约可以向全世界发出。Held-an offer can be made to the whole world.

我硬要约翰让我儿子试试新玩具。I made John let my son have a go at the new goy.

乔和朗尼两人都试着要约我出去。Joe and Lonny are both trying to go out with me.

这份收购要约的价格为每股17.20欧元。The offer valued Draka at 17.20 euros per share.

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你提到去哪儿收到过收购要约。You mentioned that Qunar had acquisition offers.

作出这种声明的人被称为要约人。The person making the statement is called the offeror.

要约到达受要约人时生效。An offer becomes effective when it reaches the offeree.

本章在2.909,任何人,显示或要约出售或。This chapter, 2909, any person, or offers for sale or supply.

要约可以规定受要约人应当遵守的条件。An offer may specify conditions to be followed by the offeree.

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请注意,您的反要约是有约束力的七天。Please note that your counter-offer is binding for seven days.

受要约人对要约的内容作出实质性变更。The offeree makes a material change to the terms of the offer.

要约人可以在要约到达受要约人手中之前撤回要约。The offeror can withdraw an offer before it reaches the offeree.

第十六条要约到达受要约人时生效。Article 16An offer becomes effective when it reaches the offeree.

承诺并不需要送达到要约人本人。The acceptance need not be communicated to the offeror personally.

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声明所指向的人被称为受要约人或者承诺人。The person to whom it is made is called the offeree or the acceptor.

这些要约文件在何鸿燊的赌博帝国里散落着尚属奇闻轶事。The offering document was littered with titbits about Mr Ho’s empire.

除非要约人同意,承诺一经做出即不得撤回。An acceptance once given cannot be revoked unless the offeror consents.