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这样的书不会给著者添增名声的吧。Such a book won't add to the author's credit.

这样的书不会给著者添增名声的吧。Such a book will not add to the author's credit.

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一新美国基于合著者重新形成满足更多中心美国。A new U. S. -based co-author reshapes the content to be more U.

传说彩色蓝宝石将保护穿著者的邪恶。Legend has it that Lapis Lazuli would protect the wearer from evil.

本文论述了著者号的取号和区分问题。This paper expounded the determination and distinction of Auther Number.

这双靴子可根据穿著者的行走速度和动作而随时改变形状。These boots change shape depending on the speed and motion of the wearer.

穿红色衣著者,对他们自己更具信心?Did you know that those who dress in red are more confident in themselves?

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作为合著者以及单独著者写下了这些歌。She has written, both as a co-author and solo, every single song on each of them.

著者索引中有按著者姓氏字母顺序排列的著录。The author index has entries arranged in alphabetical order of author's surnames.

也许这至少能让王小东及其合著者不那么不高兴。Perhaps the sight will make Wang and his coauthors at least a little less unhappy.

弗里贝格说,她和其他的合著者都希望这项新的调查报告可以发挥多种作用。Friberg says she and her co-authors hope the new report will be used in a variety of ways.

血液流变性变化越显著者皮肤微循环障碍也越明显。It revealed decreased blood viscosity and. microcirculatory disturbance in these patients.

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书中,亚历山大与他的合著者共探究了253个建筑设计模式。In it, Alexander and his co-authors explored 253 architectural design patterns. For example

“那是不允许的,”研究合著者纽约州立大学石溪分校生物物理学家严贯桥说道。“That’s forbidden,” said study co-author and Stony Brook University biophysicist Koon-Kiu Yan.

“那是不允许的,”研究合著者纽约州立大学石溪分校生物物理学家严贯桥说道。“That’s forbidden, ” said study co-author and Stony Brook University biophysicist Koon-Kiu Yan.

我还注意到,从图书馆借来的这些书,恰是课本的著者经常在脚注中提到的。I noticed that the author of our textbook frequently referred by footnote to these library books.

一篇2008年的有关女人的愤怒和侵略性的报道的合著者J.The J. A. Smith who co-authored a 2008 paper on women, anger, and aggression is probably not the J.

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人类连通和交流经验更有价值穿著者比滚动广告。Human connectedness and sharing of experiences is more valuable to the wearer than a scrolling advert.

任何大会职员及选手未按规定穿著者,裁判委员会可取消其资格。The Referee Commission may disbar any official or competitor who does not comply with this regulation.

此外,还提供有著者索引、邮件列表、相关站点链接等内容。It also offer other useful information, including mailing list, index of contributors, and a links-list.