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工蜂的口粮则是由蜂蜜和花粉稀释了的王浆。Workers' rations are diluted with honey and pollen.

这些物质与王浆混合在一起,王浆是一种由年轻的工蜂产生的液体。These substances are mixed with bee milk, a liquid produced by young worker bees.

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汪氏保健食品主经营,蜂胶。王浆。花粉。蜂蜜。化妆品。Wang health foods main management, bee glue. Royal jelly. Pollen. Honey. Cosmetics.

自然界中只有蜂王浆中含有,因此又称王浆酸或蜂王酸。It exists only in royal jelly in the nature, so it is called queen acid or royal jelly acid.

王浆酸是蜂王浆的标志性物质,大约占蜂王浆的1。The royal jelly acid is one of sign matters in the bee royal jelly, approximately composes is 1.

尽管这使西方大多数人没有经济能力经常食用王浆,可是在富人和名人中仍有人准备付这个价格。While this makes its regular use for Western society beyond the purses of most people, there are.

本文探讨了人参王浆酒及其药用成份的强身作用和对性机能的影响。The physique-strengthening action of GSJLTW and its effects on the sexual function were studied in mice.

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蜂王浆冻干粉胶囊是以鲜王浆为原料,采用真空冷冻干燥技术精制而成的胶囊制品,保持了鲜王浆的营养成份和生物活性。The material of the honey freezing flour capsule is fresh royal jelly. Vacuum technique and freeze-dry technology helps a lot to the purification.

这个花招使斑蝥搭乘一段旅行,借助雄蜂最后到达雌蜂孕育后代的宝地—那里有的是花粉和王浆。The ruse allows the parasites to hitch a ride on the males and ultimately reach a treasure-trove of pollen and nectar that surrounds the female bee's egg.

这是一种特别的粘稠浆状物,由水分,蛋白质,脂肪酸,有机酸,维生素和矿物质组成。这些物质与王浆混合在一起,王浆是一种由年轻的工蜂产生的液体。This special jelly is made of water, proteins, fatty acids, organic acids, vitamins and minerals. These substances are mixed with bee milk, a liquid produced by young worker bees.

本文通过每6天测定一次蜂王浆在不同贮藏条件下品质和鲜活度的衡量指标值,在30天内对王浆品质和鲜活度的变化进行研究。Academic Dissertations was mainly study changing quality and freshness of royal jelly in 30 days , quality and freshnes index changing was by mensurating every 6 days at different storage temperature.