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大家都不能用内功攻击就算了,为什么只有敌人可以而我不可以……You don't question what you believe, you can not. But I must.

小王站在椅子上,这样看节目就看得更清楚些。我不知道今日新开金牛无内功。Xiao Wang stood up on a chair so as to see the performance better.

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企业方面,积极练好内功,抓紧行业自救。Businesses helped themselves and relied on themselves to save the sector.

而一些三星级酒店则积极练好内功,迎接竞争。And some three star hotel is actively practice the internal organs, to meet competition.

我公司培养高素质的员工队伍,苦练内功,让蓝盾电子科技销售产品做的更好。Our high quality staff training, hard skills, to sell Blue Shield of electronic technology to do better.

只要我们的企业练好内功再加上网络营销这把利剑,我们必将无敌!Enhancing strength as long as our business together with network marketing that sword, we will invincible!

锤炼公司债务管理内功必须从债务精细化管理和控制入手。In order to hammer-harden corporate debt management level, we must begin with debt lean formula management.

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另一方面企业自身苦练内功,树立科学的财务管理理念。On the other hand , enterprises must improve themselves to establish scientific financial management concept.

肖平军没有听清,他有内功在身,却是听清了一些的。The Xiao even fighter didn't listen to pure, he has inside the fulfilment in the body, but is listen to pure some.

结果与结论练好企业内功,做好各项准备工作,才能抓住机遇,促进企业又好又快发展。Results and Conclusion To be prepared for everything and to seize the opportunity to improve a healthy development of the company.

如果我们不花精力、时间去苦练内功,我们就很可能成为井底之蛙,也要被淘汰。If our not colored energy, the time train hard the internal strength, we very possibly become the shortsighted person, must eliminate.

不断苦练内功加强自身建设朝着机械加工‘专业化。智能化’的方向发展。We have been trying our best to strengthen ourselves from the beginning towards the direction of specialization of intelligent machining.

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他潜修练邪门内功,二十年后重回中土,并改称紫麟上人,成为邪派高手。He QianXiu practice something the internal organs, twenty years later return to midlands, and renamed the purple vocalist, become evil sent ace.

由于波特的理论只将企业看作一种“硬核”,偏重解决企业如何在市场上迎战对手的问题,忽视了如何练好“内功”的问题。Porter put emphasize on the problems that enterprises met in the market competition, while overlooked the inner construction of the enterprises.

气功可以直接用来增强内功和武艺,不过练习者一般用它来强身健体。Qigong can be directed at developingesoteric powers and martial prowess, yet practitioners more commonly employ itto enhance and maintain their health.

创造名牌、练好内功、调整产品结构、培养高素质人才是我国扩大印刷器材出口的关键。Creating brand, practicing skills, adjusting product construction and training high ability people is the key which extends printing equipment ex-portion.

前已述及,“剑劲”就是通过内功和拳法的练习所得到的内外劲力在“剑法”上的运用。As was talked above, "Sword energy " means the produced inner and exterior energy by practising Neigong and fist rule exercises is exerted on "sword rule".

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我们要抓住机遇,苦练内功,迎接挑战,以促进我国证券业健康、稳定的发展。We must grasp the opportunity, study and train hard and meet the challenge so as to promote the healthy and steady development of our negotiable securities.

应对变化就是执行力,整合内部资源,全体总动员,是必练的“内功”。Answering change is executive force, integrated and in-house resource, all general mobilization, be drill surely " exercise to benefit the internal organs ".

展望未来,机遇与挑战并存,江西各高校只有苦练内功,走内涵发展的道路,才能实现管理教育的更好发展。With both opportunities and challenges ahead, the higher education institutions in Jiangxi should have to strive forward and resort to the improvement of quality.