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属学习、实干型的员工。A personnel of study and working.

努力实干是东荣的基本工作态度。Think of things clearly and work hard.

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她是空想者和实干者的结合。She was a fusion of the dreamer and doer.

也是实干型的企业。It's also a business that happens in real-time.

有成功者,有失败者,有梦想者,有实干者。There are winners and losers, dreamers and doers.

实干代替了空谈,那些事情开始一一兑现。By doing instead of talking, things started to happen.

努力实干是东荣的基本工作态度。Working hard is the basic attitude of GANGYUAN people.

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具有实干精神和强烈的成功愿望。Have an action orientation and strong desire to achieve.

而这就是我们美国每天都在确确实实干的事情。And that’s exactly what we do every day in the United States.

我是个实干者,我能为公司贡献很多。I am a doer and I can contribute a great deal to the company.

实干的凡人总是强于脱离实际的智者。Men and women of action always outrank armchair intellectuals.

当然,实干可能会更花时间,也更艰难。Of course, doing takes a lot more time. It’s also much harder.

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实干的精神创造高效的企业业绩。Substantial spirit to create efficient enterprise performance.

营造一种注重实干的文化氛围,雇佣具有实干精神的职员。Create a culture of action and hire people who get things done.

在银牙的宫廷中,实干让位给了程序步骤。In the Fang's court, action has given way to procedural points.

即使是从这一使命的范畴来说,也还有其它实干者。With that scope of mission in mind, there are other incumbents.

空谈误国,实干兴邦。这条英语看起来怪怪的。俺英语不太行。Empty talk mistake country, Solid fuck to make a country strong.

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回到2001年,我当时认为自己是个实干的人,现在我也这么看。Back in 2001 I thought of myself as a pragmatist, and I still do.

在这家公司工作,你必须有实干精神。You must have a roll-up-your-sleeves attitude working in the company.

它象征着对实干的兴趣,而非对口头善辩与花言巧语的关注。It symbolizes interest in deeds rather than verbal eloquence and rhetoric.