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何尝不推荐一下呢?Any that you would not recommend?

猕猴如此,人类又何尝不经受着同样的问题。And as with monkeys, so with humans.

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我们何尝不希望色卡少一点?Would we expect any less from Pantone?

妇人说,我何尝向我主求过儿子呢?Did I ask you for a son, my lord?' she said.

我何尝不想去,只是没工夫罢了?。Not that I don't want to go, but have I got the time?

我何尝不想把我知道的都告诉你,只是我有口难言。I'd like to tell you what I know but my lips are sealed.

暴力固然会传染,和平对话又何尝不会。Violence can be contagious, but so can peaceful dialogue.

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落户于桃花源,美景美人,何尝人生不乐。Located in the the Peach Garden, beauty beauty, why life is music.

你我的心灵,又何尝不似原始森林一般神秘莫测?Our hearts and spirits are as mysterious and unfathomable as the virgin forest.

他们何尝像风前的碎秸,如暴风刮去的糠秕呢。They are as stubble before the wind, and as chaff that the storm carrieth away.

他这样的态度,何尝有解决问题的诚意呢?If that's his attitude, how can you say he sincerely wants the question settled.

独立、躲避、青春、嬉戏、我又何尝不在这之间徘徊怅惘呢?Independent, Dodge, youth, playful, I did not in this wandering between sadness?

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可以“比上不足,比下有余”这何尝不行!May "compared to on insufficiency, under the ratio have -odd" this not to be never good!

你有烦恼无明,六道四生又何尝无烦恼无明!Do you have trouble ignorance, six four students entirely free from trouble-free tomorrow!

秋之于人,何尝有国别,更何尝有人种阶级的区别呢?The autumn to people, how can have the difference of countries, ethnic groups and classes?

而高胜寒的心中又何尝不为他今生唯一的知己,最好的兄弟而担忧呢。And Goldman sachs cold heart is it as his only friend, not to worry about the best brother?

其实,与民间文艺学一刀两断的民俗学又何尝能独立门户。In fact, make a clean break with the Folk Art Folklore having the same problem can be their own.

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他何尝不想成为她的男朋友,但他知道他的门第配不上她。He would be only too glad to be her boyfriend, but he knew he couldn't match her in family status.

每年的三天四场都略显匆匆,又何尝不充实的扣人心弦。Every year, four shows over three days seem somewhat hurried and too short to sustain the excitement.

好吧,所以他出现在了矩阵革命的最后关头,但在迂回的矩阵世界里,他何尝真的死去过?Okay, so he bites it at the very end of Matrix Revolutions, but in the twisty world of The Matrix, is he really dead?