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到处银装素裹,美不胜收。Everywhere, silver-coated scene.

就饺子吃更是美不胜收。It is beauteous to eat dumplings.

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这里的风景真是美不胜收!The scenery here is simply amazing.

从这儿看到的湖景美不胜收。The view of the lake from here is great.

我们度假的那个城市美不胜收。The city where we spent our vacation was very beautiful.

她知道火神有一件长襟裙衣,淡紫色的薄沙上用金丝银线绣了许多神祗的生活画面,价值连城,而且美不胜收。She knew that the God of Fire had a priceless long skirt.

巡游于此恍若漫步于大自然的艺术画廊,美不胜收。To cruise here is like wandering in a natural art gallery.

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享受过所有这一切后,就在美不胜收的湖滨公园里轻松一下吧。And after all this, just relax in the exquisite Lake Gardens.

金秋十月,莫泽尔河谷阳光闪烁,美不胜收。The golden autumn found the Mosel valley gorgeous in the sunshine.

每座新大楼的落成都会重新勾画上海美不胜收的地平线。Each new tower has redefined the much-photographed Shanghai skyline.

一粒霉菌是一簇美不胜收的花朵,一撮星云是无数天体的蚁聚。A bit of mould is a pleiad of flowers, a nebula is an anthill of stars.

这个西班牙海边的渡假胜地风景美不胜收,还有多采多姿的活动。There's a wealth of things to see and do in the Spanish seaside resort.

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那是一个梅树,开满了鲜红的花儿,在夕阳的映衬下,美不胜收。It was a plum tree all scarlet with blossoms set off beautifully by the sunset.

成装上身,既御寒保暖,又显富贵华丽,给人一种美不胜收的感觉。Loaded into the torso, both warm and magnificent rich, gives a beautiful feeling.

坐船游览长江三峡的时候,两岸的风景美不胜收。The scenery as one travels by boat along the Changjiang Three Gorges is marvelous.

在这个到处美不胜收的国家,争夺“性感建筑”桂冠的竞争十分激烈。In a land where beauty is everywhere, the competition for the sexy title is fierce.

最后,这些太阳系的摄影图片确实美不胜收。Finally, there is particular beauty in these photographic images of the Solar System.

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商店里的商品美不胜收,让正在买年货的本人头昏眼花。In the store commodity is dazzling, lets me who buys the new year's goods be dazzled.

春夏之交,常有海市、海滋出现,虚幻缥缈,美不胜收。Spring and summer, often mirage, Long John Silver's there, fantasy ethereal, beautiful.

这就是美不胜收的湖心岛公园,一个让你体验绝美户外的绝佳场所。It is a place of immeasurable beauty, and an outstanding outdoor laboratory and classroom.