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凡此种种,不一而足。Similar cases are numerous.

收到的答案从严肃到诙谐,不一而足。The responses varied from serious to the light hearted.

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其尺寸小至手枪,大至狙击枪,不一而足。They ranged in size from small handguns to powerful sniper rifles.

他们的业务从拉面摊、茶叶店到养猪场,不一而足。Their businesses range from noodle stands to tea shops to pig farms.

接着她用更大的数字考我,然后又考我乘法,如此等等,不一而足。Then she'd use bigger numbers, then switch to multiplication, and so on.

聚集拢来的鸥群一天天扩大,有来问问题的,有来膜拜的,有来嘲弄的,不一而足。The crowd grew larger every day, coming to question, to idolize, to scorn.

近期是经济低迷时期,若要追根溯源,更是不一而足。The recent economic downturn has come about due to many different factors.

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这里面有欣赏奥巴马的人,也有讽刺他政策的人,不一而足。There are those who appreciate Obama, and other that ironize on his policy.

斜拉桥是现代桥梁中的一种重要形式,其优点不一而足。Having many advantages, cable-stayed bridge is an important form of modern bridges.

他们吞噬着网页上有关万物的一切信息,从天气到最新的高科技玩意,不一而足。They devour Web pages about everything from the weather to the latest high tech gadget.

那款便捷式加热器的应用范围从轿车保温座椅到婴儿保育箱等不一而足。The portable heater's applications range from heated car seats to incubators for babies.

越南战争发动了新年攻势、马丁.路德.金和罗伯特.肯尼迪被暗杀、苏联入侵捷克斯洛伐克、骚乱席卷全球、还有美军在越南的梅莱大屠杀......,坏消息纷至沓来,不一而足。Kennedy, the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia, riots across the world and the My Lai massacre.

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清代江南官学学田所采用的地租形态不一而足。The official study of south of the Yangtze River in Qing Dynasty adopts different forms of landtax.

虽然很多公司不会成功,但是成功的公司扰乱的产业将不一而足,甚至整个经济产业都可能受其影响。Many will fail, but those that succeed will disrupt more than one industry and perhaps the economy as a whole.

这些场景包括噩梦、受伤过程心理再现以及无法解释的情感波动等不一而足。These episodes can range from nightmares to mental reenactments of my injury to inexplicable waves of emotion.

擦苹果的人形形色色、不一而足,包括政客的身居高位的人,差不多人人都是。All sorts of people are apple- polishers , including politicians and people in high offices—just about everybody.

这里几乎囊括了所有的商品,从电器到婴儿用品,再到办公室用品和美容护肤品,不一而足。Virtually all types of products are covered from Electronics to Baby stuff to Office Supplies to Beauty and more!

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“理发”的标准不一而足,但大多都在债务总值的三分之一到二分之一以内,这也是本周气氛惶恐不安的原因。Haircuts range widely but are typically between a third and a half of the value of debts. Hence this week’s jitters.

然而新奥尔良在秋葵浓汤基本做法的基础上又发明了无数种新的做法,从经典的克立奥尔风格到刺激的凯真风格不一而足。But New Orleans serves up countless variations of the basic gumbo recipe, from classic Creole style to pungent Cajun.

经济危机迫使政府在很多领域扩大职权范围,从金融业到汽车业,不一而足。The economic crisis forced the government into expansions of its authority in dozens of areas, from finance to automobiles.