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扫雷是一款非常流行的益智游戏。Minesweeping is a famous puzzle game.

六角一合是一个益智游戏的基础上六角砖。Hex-a-hop is a puzzle game based on hexagonal tiles.

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号塔是行动和益智游戏的最佳!Tiki Towers is action and puzzle gaming at its best!

一款麻将主题的俄罗斯方块类型益智游戏。QD测试通过!Subject of a mahjong type puzzle game Tetris. QD test!

这些孩子们则自由活动和读益智书籍。Those children were offered free activity and puzzle books.

益德楼和益智楼是我们学习的地方。Yick Tak House floor, and the puzzle is our place of study.

智乐的又一款益智游戏,生动有趣的来拼出各个短语。Le Chi's also a puzzle game that's fun to spell each phrase.

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古代文献均认为山药能补虚、益智、延年、疗疾。Ancient literature, Chinese yam can thinké, puzzle, Yannian,.

本游戏一共有8大关,其中包括44个迷你益智游戏。This game is a total of 8 mark, including 44 mini-puzzle game.

一款小巧的益智手游!游戏主角是两个细胞变形虫!A small tour puzzle hands! Game characters are two cell amoeba !

经典的宝石交换益智游戏现在到移动电话上。The classic gem-swapping puzzle game now comes to mobile phones.

如果你爱益智解题,我打赌你会爱上无间道。If you love puzzle-solving, I bet you will love Infernal Affairs.

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益智问答型的面试官是第二糟。The second worst kind of interviewer is the Quiz Show Interviewer.

阅读一段励志益智的读物,以激发自己积极进取的动力。Read something inspirational to create positive energy for yourself.

聆赏最益智动听、轻快明亮的乐曲。Appreciating the most intellectually engaging, bright and lively tune.

如果可能的话,我们想要一些益智玩具,还想要一些冬天的衣服。If possible we will like some educational toys and some winter clothe.

此外,它还含有大量叶绿素,也具有健脑益智作用。In addition, it contains large amounts of chlorophyll , with the Brain.

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一款经典的消除类益智游戏,画面炫丽,玩法多样,音效也很出色。The classic puzzle bobble arcade game and it is also known as bust a move.

益智游戏,玩法比较新颖,容易上手,汉化中文版。Puzzle games, playing relatively new, easy to use, the Chinese version of Chinese.

结论益智口服液能明显提高大鼠的学习与记忆功能。Conclusion Yizhi oral liquid can improve the ability of learning and memory of rats.