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你这个结论是按照形式逻辑的方法推论出来的。You arrived at your conclusion using the methods of formal logic.

经典命题逻辑是现代形式逻辑的基础。The classical proposition logic is the basis of modern formal logic.

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求同“认为中西逻辑二者基本为一,即中国先秦时代的逻辑为西式的形式逻辑。The "find-identity" thought that the Chinese logic was the western formal logic.

从形式逻辑来看,起点概念应该是非集合概念。The paper holds that the logical starting point should be non-collective concepts.

并用BAN形式逻辑上验证了该方案的完备性。Using the supplemental BAN logic, a process of formal analyse of this scheme protocol.

标准也是有缺点的,并内含形式逻辑派的“偏见”。The "RZH"standard also has shortcoming , and contains prejudice of the formal logic school.

真值表是形式逻辑中广泛使用的一种逻辑方法,也是一种非常有用的工具。The truth value table is both a kind of logic approach widely used in formal logic and a very useful tool.

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此外,古代画论中的判断是多相式的,不同于西方形式逻辑单项式和多值判断。The judgement in ancient painterly theory has several forms, being differ form single form in western logic.

三项条件中的第二项和第三项条件具有形式逻辑的假言判断性质。The second and third condition in the three conditions have the character of hypothetis judgments of formal logic.

形式逻辑已经从简单命题逻辑发展到比较复杂的模态逻辑系列。Formal logics in AI have grown from the simple proposition logic to modal logic series, which are more com- plicated.

墨子教育思想的独特性涉及到实践教育、形式逻辑和科学技术等方面。The unique feature of Mo-tse educational thoughts concerns with practical education, formal logic and technology etc.

因此,用数理逻辑“改造”或“取代”传统形式逻辑是一种常识性错误。Therefore, it is a common-sense error to attempt to reform or replace traditional formal logic with mathematical logic.

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“有效—遵守”命题主张在现代性的语境中,法之合法性乃是等同于法律的形式逻辑有效性。The validity-obey thesis declares that, in the context of modernity, legitimacy of law equals the formal validity of law.

它的本质在于用形式逻辑的方法处理辩证逻辑问题。本文指出逻辑循环和所谓“逆演绎”在建立公理系统中的合理性。The paper points to the justification of the logic cycle and so called "anti-deduction" in the establishment of a axiomatical system.

因为形式语言的意义是确定的,所以排中律作为形式逻辑系统的基本原则绝对有效。This is understandable because the rule of excluded middle or the core rule of the formal system does not apply to natural languages.

与形式逻辑一样藏传因明也有自己的“关系”概念和“关系”范畴。As like as the western logic, especially like the Aristotles logic, the Tibetan logic also has its concept and category of relationship.

实际上,通过明确非形式逻辑的议题,就可恰当地理解“非形式逻辑”的含义和指称。By making the topic of discussion in informal logic clear, one can understand the connotation and denotation of informal logic properly.

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随着非形式逻辑研究在我国的兴起,国内学人有不少论著陆续介绍图尔敏模式。As informal logic research has been on the rise in our country, re searchers in their works have introduced Toulmin's model successively.

人类思维的发展大致经历了三个基本阶段,即形式逻辑、辩证逻辑、模糊逻辑。The development of human thought mainly experiences three stages, namely, the formal logic, the dialectical logic, and the obscure logic.

这一概念的演绎有效性可以说严格的系统的形式逻辑而言,良好的理解概念的语义。Thenotion of deductive validity can be rigorously stated for systems offormal logic in terms of the well-understood notions of semantics.