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梵蒂冈城可谓是“麻雀虽小,肝胆俱全”!Vatican City is all grown up.

麻雀在外边叽叽喳喳地叫。Sparrows are twittering outside.

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麻雀什么时候孵蛋?When do the sparrows' eggs hatch?

小男孩朝前奔去把麻雀轰跑了。The boy ran ahead to rise the sparrows.

麻雀啊,你愿意随我飞到南方吗?Sparrow, won’t you fly down south by me?

那支麻雀飞落在附近旳树枝上。The sparrow alighted on a nearby branch.

麻雀在吱吱喳喳地叫着,空气中飘荡着欢歌笑语。There were laughter and song in the air.

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像麻雀吓苍鹰,草兔吓狮子一般。As sparrows eagles, or the hare the lion.

麻雀虽小,五脏俱全。The sparrow may be small, fully-equipped.

褐色的麻雀栖息在这些横档上。Brown sparrows clustered on the crossbars.

麻雀在花园中唧唧喳喳地叫。The sparrows are chattering in the garden.

树枝被涂上黏鸟胶以捕捉麻雀。A branch which was limed to catch sparrows.

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麻雀和喜鹊,诸如此类的鸟类。Sparrows and magpies, those kind of things.

麻雀在泥浴后用喙整理羽毛。The sparrow plumed itself after a mud bath.

是什么杀死了梅里特岛的麻雀?What killed the sparrows of Merritt Island?

这是小麻雀在追啄猎人。It was the sparrow pecking at the sportsmen.

为什么可憎的杜鹃孵化在麻雀的巢内?Or hateful cuckoos hatch in sparrows' nests?

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窗台上有一只羽毛未丰的小麻雀。A small unfledged sparrow on the window sill.

小麻雀在枝条间飞来飞去。Little sparrows fluttered among the branches.

麻雀在后院里吱吱喳喳的叫。The sparrows were chattering in the backyard.