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这种新的更轻便的机器洗煤反倒更快了。The new, lighter machine washes coal at a faster rate.

主要用于污泥脱水,固液分离和洗煤等。Mainly used for sludge dewatering, solid-liquid separation and coal washing, etc.

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介绍了变频器在加压过滤机、洗煤机、给料机中的应用。This paper describes the application of frequency changer in filter, coal washer and GZG Feeder.

该方法简单,处理效果好,处理后上清水完全回用于洗煤,实现了洗水闭路循环。All upper clear water that have been treated can be used to wash coal, which realizes closed cycle of washing water.

一种筛下空气室式跳汰机机体,属洗煤机械所涉及的跳汰机机体。The utility model relates to a jigger body with an air chamber under a sieve, belonging to the jigger body of a coal washing machine.

该方法简单,处理效果好,处理后上清水完全回用于洗煤,实现了洗水闭路循环。All upper clear water that have been handled can be used to wash coal, which realizes to closed circuit the circulation of washing water.

介绍了BATAC跳汰机的结构功能及操作方法,从而使大家了解了BATAC跳汰机是如何工作的,对提高跳汰机的操作水平很有帮助,并有利于提高洗煤的质量。The text introduces the structure, function and operation method of BATAC jigger, which can help everyone know how the BATAC jigger works.

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企业先后对多家洗煤厂进行技术改造,技术产品面向中、小洗煤企业。Enterprise has more than coal washery to carry out technological transformation, technology-oriented products, coal washing small enterprises.

分析了洗煤效果的影响因素,给出了数量效率与可选性的关系。This article analyses the affecting factors of the separation effectiveness and points out the relation of quantity efficiency and washability.

其广泛用于化工、石油、制药、制糖、食品、陶瓷、冶金、洗煤、环保等行业。The machine can be widely used in industries like chemistry, oil, pharmaceutical, sugar , food , ceramic, metallurgy, coal washing and environmental protection.

以山家林精洗煤为原料,着重考察了碱性有隔膜电解体系中的电化学脱硫规律,并对影响因素进行了初步探讨。The disciplinary of desulfurization is studied for Shanjialin fine cola in divided batch cell by basic medium, and influence factors are discussed preliminarily.

积极发展无烟煤工艺,鼓励洗煤、煤处理、转化、洁净燃烧、烟尘过滤工艺的应用。It actively develops clean coal technology and encourages the application of coal washing, processing, conversion, clean-burning and smoke- purifying technologies.

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处理后的溢流水作为洗煤用水循环使用,节省水力资源,减少了环境污染,经济效益和社会效益显著。The spill water handled can be used as slime water in rotation, saving the water resource, reducing the pollution and improving the economic and social benefit remarkably.

生产应用表明,该方法简单,处理效果好,可满足洗水闭路循环清水洗煤的要求。The practical application has shown that the method is simple, can obtain good results and help to realize clear water wash coal and closed circuit the circulation of washing water.

结果表明,制浆过程中洗煤、煤浆颗粒的较大体积和燃烧温度较低等对燃烧过程中痕量元素的排放具有一定的抑制作用。Results show that the bigger particle size in preparation of CWS and coal washing, as well as the lower combustion temperature have suppressing effect for emission of trace elements.

详细介绍了晋煤集团古书院矿选煤厂洗煤、储煤、返煤工艺系统改造的原因、过程及效益。This paper introduces the cause, process and benefit of technical system reform for coal-washing, coal-storing, coal-returning at Gushuyuan Mine coal preparation plant of Jin Mei Group.

PAM是目前应用最为广泛的水溶性有机高分子,已广泛应用于采油、水处理、制糖、洗煤、选矿、造纸等工业部门。PAM is the most widely used organic macromolecule, has been widely used in oil extraction, water treatment, refine sugar and coal washing, processing, paper and other industrial sectors.

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煤矸石是煤矿生产过程中采煤和洗煤时被分离出来的废渣,是我国目前排放量最大的工业固体废弃物之一。Coal gangue is industrial solid residues that are discharged when coal is excavated and washed in the production course of coal mine, and is one of the most industrial solid castoffs in our country.