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他开始咳血了。He started coughing blood.

我不停地咳血。I cough blood all the time.

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他那时一直在咳血。He'd been coughing up blood.

今天早晨她又咳血了。She coughed blood again this morning.

很多疾病的病征会表现出咳血。Hemoptysis is described in many disease processes.

中毒症状包括高烧、咳血和上吐下泻。Symptoms include fever, bloody coughs, vomiting and diarrhea.

一位59岁的汽车司机出现咳嗽并偶尔咳血。A 59-year-old bus driver develops a cough with occasional hemoptysis.

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我们报告的是一位48岁男性病患,主述大量咳血的案例。In this case study, a 48-year-old man presented with massive hemoptysis.

此外男性没有发烧、体重减轻、声音沙哑、晕眩或咳血等症状。The patient denied recent fever, weight loss, hoarseness, dizziness, or hemoptysis.

在此篇文章中,我们也有回顾儿童咳血的原因与治疗。We also reviewed the literature on the causes and treatment of hemoptysis in children.

我们报告一个肺结核病例咳血为其最开始症状。We report a case of pulmonary tuberculosis with hemoptysis as the initial presentation.

它的严重度可从毫无症状到严重的气喘、咳血、和肺炎。The severity of TO ranges from no symptoms to severe dyspnea, hemoptysis, or pneumonitis.

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二月红不知丫头病重,欲带她游船,丫头突然咳血倒地不起。February red wench was seriously ill, to take her cruise, wench hemoptysis suddenly collapses.

电池被拿出来后两天,艾丹便开始咳血,不久就因病而死。Two days after the battery was removed, Aidan began coughing blood, and soon died from his injuries.

而鱼际穴主治疾病有咳嗽、咳血、咽喉肿痛、失音和发热。While the thenar main points Governance disease cough, hemoptysis, sore throat, aphonia , and fever.

临床症状包括咳嗽、胸痛、气促、咳血、吞嚥困难及体重减轻。Clinical symptoms include cough, chest pain, shortness of breath, hemoptysis, dysphagia, and weight loss.

他从碎裂的肺里咳血的时候,像是用喷雾器喷出来的一样,空中弥漫着血雾。Then the air seemed to fill with a fine mist of sprayed blood as he coughed it out of his shattered lungs.

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任何伤口的流血不止也需要专业护理。咳血与呕吐带血也是如此。Uncontrolled bleeding from any wound also calls for professional care. So does coughing or vomiting blood.

猪肺味甘,微寒,能补肺,疗肺虚咳嗽,治肺虚咳血。Lung Sweet, slightly cold, can Bufei, treatment and lung deficiency cough, hemoptysis governance lung deficiency.

本中药用于治疗肺结核、骨结核、腰椎结核和咳血期使用。The Chinese medicine is used for remedying phthisis, bone tuberculosis and lumbar tuberculosis in hemoptysis period.