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现在一切都过去了,镇定些。It"s all over now, steady on.

雷子枫俩人神色镇定。LeiZiFeng two people look calm.

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好吧,这让我马上镇定下来。Well, that sobered me right up.

甘菊花油则有使人镇定的功效。And chamomile can help calm you.

他吸了一口气,强自镇定。He breathes in, forcing calmness.

梅金虽然红起了脸,但是说这话的时候还蛮镇定的。Megan, with a red face said calmly.

或者他冷静,镇定,富于心机?Or is he cool, calm, and calculating?

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她吃力地呼吸着,强作镇定。She struggled for breath, to be calm.

骑手使惊马镇定下来。The rider calmed the frightened horse.

我虽然被激怒,但还是保持镇定。Though I was nettled, I kept my temper.

别太兴奋了,只要保持十分镇定。Don't get overexcited. Just keep very calm.

他在紧急情况下表现镇定沉着。He comported himself well in the emergency.

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他镇定地面对攻击。He faced the attack with amazing sangfroid.

他点燃一支香烟,镇定一下情绪。He lit a cigaret in order to calm his mind.

屠维岳鞠躬,非常镇定非常自信地回答。His voice was perfectly calm and confident.

为了镇定自己的神经,他开始服鸦片酊。To calm his mind he began to take laudanum.

你很镇定,只说事实,没有自怜自哀。You are cool, factual and not self-pitying.

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曹先生还很镇定,可是神色不大好看。He was very calm still but his face was pale.

在雷纳扑出点球时保持了镇定。Remained calm when Reina saved his spot-kick.

她必须服镇静剂来使她的神经镇定。She has to take sedatives to calm her nerves.