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现在,我就在这里五湖四海全讯网告诉你,噢,亲爱的,我爱你。Now, right here I am saying, oh my darling I love yoU.

深圳混音俱乐部的DJ都是来自五湖四海。SzMix club DJ all is comes from all corners of the country.

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深圳人,不仅来自中国的五湖四海,也来自世界的五大洲。Its people come from all over China and many parts of the world.

真诚欢迎五湖四海的朋友光临惠顾。Sincerely welcome friends all over the world to visit our company.

我们欢迎五湖四海的朋友与我们一同参与2008年奥运会。We welcome guests from far and near to join us in the 2008 Olympics.

有了它,我结识了一大堆来自五湖四海的新朋友。With it, I know from a lot of new friends from all corners of the country.

我还非常喜欢用QQ聊天,因为可以交到五湖四海的朋友。I also like chatting by QQ , because I can make friends from all over the world.

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雁江客栈以全新的装修,欢迎五湖四海宾客的光临。Yan Jiang Inn brand new decoration to welcome guests to all corners of the country.

名莘莘学子,来自祖国五湖四海,将去向世界各地的一流大学。We come from different places of china. We will enter first-class universities of the world.

年夜爱无疆,置信从五湖四海地传来地自己们地爱,必然可以给你们力气,给你们暖和!Great Love, I believe that's coming from all our love, we can give you strength, give you warm!

万民欢腾,欢呼雀跃,中国南北,五湖四海春潮涌动。Wan Min jubilation, cheered, China's north and south corners of the country spring tide surging.

能邀请这么多来自五湖四海的汉学家,我深感荣幸和愉快。It's my great pleasure and privilege to have invited so many Sinologists from all over the world.

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坚持五湖四海、任人唯贤,是我们党性质和宗旨的必然要求。To place cadres on merits without regard to their origins is dictated by our Party's nature and goal.

我们的军队来自五湖四海,有黑人,有白人,有拉丁人,有亚洲人,有美国原住民。Our troops come from every corner of this country -– they’re black, white, Latino, Asian, Native American.

海宝是对五彩缤纷鳃活的向往,对五光十色的生命的祝福,也是中国上海对来自五湖四海朋友的热情邀约。Hai Bao is the whish to colorful life and the warm invitation to friends from all over the world to Shanghai.

如今的北京,正以崭新的面貌,迎接来自五湖四海的宾朋。Today's Beijing is preparing to receive her friends and guests from all over the world with a brand-new look.

在我们与来自五湖四海,世界各地的客户交易中,我们永远坚持平等,互利的原则。In our trade with merchants of various countries, we always adhere to the principle of equality and mutual benefit.

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故事讲述的是一群来自五湖四海的江湖人士在一个名叫“同福客栈”中所经历的传奇故事。The story tells about a group of guests from all over the world in a Tong Fu preeminent experience something legendary.

能邀请这么多来自五湖四海的汉学家,我深感荣幸和愉快。It's my great pleasure and privilege to have invited so many Sinologists and Chinese enthusiasts from all over the world.

能邀请这么多来自五湖四海的汉学家我深感荣幸与愉快。It's my great pleasure and privilege to have invited so many Sinologists and chinese enthusiasts from all over the world.