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然而北半球中纬度地区水星“呆”时间少于一个小时。However, Mercury sets less than one hour after sunset at mid-northern latitudes.

现今中纬度正在变暖,覆雪几乎完全消失。Today the midlatitudes are warming up and the snow cover has mostly disappeared.

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目前对中纬度地区对流层顶折叠和切断低压的研究是比较充分的。Tropopause folding and cut-off low in mid-latitude were well studied in the past.

图5给出南半球中纬度300百帕位势高度场。Fig. 5 depicts the Southern Hemisphere midlatitude 300-hPa geopotential height field.

日本与美国一样,位于北半球中纬度。Japan lies in the mid latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, as does the United States.

假设站在北半球中纬度看,天津四则很恰巧位于头顶正上方。As seen from mid-northern latitudes, the star Deneb hangs pretty much overhead at nightfall.

大多数的热带、亚热带地区甚至是更低的中纬度地区将由于太热而变得无法居住。Most of the tropics, sub-tropics and even lower mid-latitudes are too hot to be inhabitable.

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在中纬度地区大力提倡植树造林以减缓气候变化。Afforestation has been promoted heaily in mid-latitudes as a means of mitigating climate change.

阳曲位于北半球中纬度暖温带,属大陆性气候。Yangqu located in warm temperate latitudes in the northern hemisphere, is a continental climate.

在中纬度地区大力提倡植树造林以减缓气候变化。Afforestation has been promoted heavily in mid-latitudes as a means of mitigating climate change.

近年来,热带气旋与中纬度环流系统的相互作用已成为国际台风界的研究焦点之一。Recently, the interaction between TC and mid-latitude weather system has become a research focus.

而北极震荡指数为正值时,北极会出现低气压,中纬度地区出现高气压。A positive phase would have low pressure over the Arctic and high pressure over the mid-latitudes.

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中纬度海洋对大气环流的影响有多大,目前还很不清楚。It is at present far from clear how much the mid-latitude ocean affects the atmospheric circulation.

首先,安德鲁,从北半球中纬度所见,月亮从不出现在正北方。First of all, Andrew, as seen from the northern temperate latitudes , the moon never appears due north.

中纬度和高纬度地区大气对流层中部和上部深厚的暖高压。Mid-latitude and high-latitude tropospheric atmosphere in the central and upper deep warm high pressure.

但是南半球中纬度地区水星在日落后可以大约持续2.5个小时。But at middle latitudes in the southern hemisphere, Mercury stays out for nearly 2.5 hours after the sun.

如果您住在北半球中纬度,在大约晚上9点来到户外,面向西朝着日落的方向。If you live at mid-northern latitudes , step outside around 9 p. m. and look west toward the setting sun.

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高纬度比中纬度升温更快,花粉季也成比例增长。Upper latitudes are warming faster than mid-latitudes, and the pollen season is lengthening in proportion.

在火星南半球的中纬度地区,似乎有水在火山口的边缘流动过。In the middle latitudes of the planet's southern hemisphere, water appears to flow off the edges of craters.

这幅图片显示了火星北半球中纬度地区的一个面向西侧的陨石坑。This image shows the west-facing side of an impact crater in the mid-latitudes of Mars' northern hemisphere.