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他想让贝拉特里克斯为此偿命。He wanted Bellatrix to pay.

利息吃人不偿命啊!That interest will eat you alive!

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我们不能让人的总称为我们的错误而偿命。We cannot let humans pay for our mistakes.

以命偿命,他将被判处死刑。Life for life, he will be sentence to death.

第一张帅死人不偿命的。赞的。我记得袁文康好像是上海人。You guys look so much alike I'm not sure which one is you.

借钱还钱,杀人偿命这是天经地意的事。Return to money if you borrow it, you must dead if you kill someone.

林的家人一遍又一遍地申斥警方,要求“以命偿命”。The forest family member reprimands the police again and again, the request "pays with a life by the life".

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二月红再一次失去丫头,顿时失去了理智,他掏出枪来直指齐铁嘴,要他偿命。February red once again lost girl, suddenly lost his head, he pulled out his gun and aimed at JiTie mouth, to his life instead.

为严肃军纪,部队领导决定让小兵偿命,并在群众大会上宣布了这一决定。For earnest military discipline, unit leader decides to let batman pay with life, announced this one decision on masses congress.

根据缅因州赋予我的权利,我判决你两个无期徒刑,为两个死者偿命。By the power vested in me by the state of Maine, I hereby order you to serve two life sentences back-to-back, one for each of your victims.

如果这猫真是杰西,她要么就纵贯了澳大利亚晒死人不偿命的沙漠,要么就是沿着海岸线绕回来的——那这趟旅行的距离就更长了。If the cat is Jessie, she would have either endured Australia’s harsh desert or travelled via the coastal route, which would have taken even longer.

按理来说,违约罪的惩罚是逐出伊甸园,杀人罪的处罚就应该是偿命。Logically speaking, the crime of breach of contract penalty is expulsion from the Garden of Eden, the penalty on the murder should be life for a life.