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“我没有Hafez那么乐观,以为按个按钮就完事了,”他说,“还有很多事情要做。”A lot of work has to be done.

她总算完事了。She has eventually finished the job.

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只要每天多给我一个小时,我就能完事大吉了!If I had one more hour in the day I could do it!

你以为看完了喀纳斯湖就完事了?You thought it's all over after seeing the lake?

而且也不仅仅是画出一根发丝就完事了那么简单的。It’s not enough to just draw a hair and be done with it.

可能大多数的电话只是把所有部件完全交给工程师们,然后工程师们把它们组装在一起就完事了。Most phones just feel put together, the work of engineers.

我一直等到四点钟才打电话,希望那时你已经做完事了。I didn't phone till four o'clock in the hope that you'd be finished.

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你只要写下你的名字、地址、身份证号码就完事大吉了。Just write down your name, address, I. D. number and Bob's your uncle.

所以,不要把运动想成只是半小时就能完事的事情。So, avoid thinking of exercise as something you do for only half an hour.

这样农民使可以收获,脱粒,然后就完事了。The farmers can then harvest his peas and thresh them and be done with them.

他又把笔蘸了蘸墨水,还有一打,然后他就完事了。He dipped the quill in the ink again. Another dozen notes, and he would be done.

伯曼博士说,如果你考虑给你的孩子买安全套的话,不要把它们留在他的房间里就完事了。Dr. Berman says that if you're thinking about buying your child condoms, don't just leave them in his

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福特盯着阿瑟,阿瑟此刻开始想也许完事之后他应该去马与马夫酒馆消遣一下。Ford stared at Arthur , who began to think that perhaps he did want to go to the Horse and Groom after all.

一刃大师言之有理,平时整理只要备上手术橡胶手套,完事洗净既可不伤肌肤。Master yiren what you said is reasonable. It's clean and no harm to skin to put on operation rubber gloves.

无论有什么明显的问题出现,他们通常会尽力去应对,然后他们就认为完事大吉了。Usually they tried to deal with whatever obvious problems presented themselves, and then they called it a day.

先将这个旋钮往左拧,然后再将这另一个向右拧,接着按下红色的按钮,再打开开关—这就完事了。Turn this knob to the left then this other knob to the right, press the red button, switch on-and Bob's your uncle.

比如只把情人带到酒吧吃一顿咖喱饭就完事的话,那肯定会造成大麻烦的。For instance, if you take your partner or valentine to the pub and then for a curry this might also lead to trouble.

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如果有上帝,他宁愿我吃下一包薯条就完事,总比喝醉了打老婆然后睡在沙发上好。If God was around, he'd rather I eat a bag of Doritos and pass out than get drunk, beat my wife and piss on the couch.

她通常都是草草完事--他就不明白她怎么就用这么点时间--但她去得很勤。She usually took very little time about it—he was always surprised by how little time she needed—but she went very often.

研究者们不确定他们中有多少是停下动作来接起电话,有多少是等到完事了才回应。The researchers are not sure how many of them stopped to pick up the phone and how many waited until afterward to respond.