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但我为什么会出名呢海格?。But why am I famous, Hagrid?

你的城市以什么而出名?What is your city famous for?

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你将要出名了,他咯咯笑着。You'll be famous, he cackles.

他以有学问而出名。He is famous for his learning.

刘欢作为一个歌手而出名。Liu Huan is known as a singer.

加伦是一个很出名的医生。Galen was a very famous doctor.

他因他的历史小说而出名。He famous of his history story.

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她的最后一个愿望是要出名。Her wish last was to be famous.

宁康有一个很出名的父亲。Ningkang has a very famous dad.

孙楠作为一名流行歌手而出名。Sun Nan is known as pop singer.

法国吐司在法国是非常出名的。French Toast is famous in Frence.

我觉得你可能会很出名的。I think that you could be famous.

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伦敦作为一个雾都而出名。London is famous as a foggy city.

孙楠作为一名流行歌手而出名。Sun Nan is known as a pop singer.

这个女人是出名的愚蠢。The woman is proverbially stupid.

出名要趁早。To be known as early as possible.

许嵩是在网络上开始出名的。Xu became famous on the Internet.

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现在人人都想出名,为什么?Now people want to be famous. Why?

西班牙以斗牛出名。Spain is famous for its bullfight.

出名的人往往相照得多。The famous are photographed often.