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生活中很少有人能表现得廉洁无私。Few people behave disinterestedly in life.

罗斯福如何让大政府如此廉洁?How did F.D.R. manage to make big government so clean?

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这是一个人廉洁运营商希望是我的梦想。It is a human being incorruptible operators want is my dream.

CCT项目是行之有效的,因为这些项目有着规则基础并且相对廉洁。CCTs work because they are rules-based and relatively uncorrupt.

正直廉洁的人不为金钱所收买。A man of integrity and incorruptibility is proof against bribery.

来自国民党的现任”总统”马英九展现出廉洁的公众形象。The current president, Ma Ying-jeou of the KMT, is seen as clean.

人们普遍认为他是一个廉洁的好法官。He is generally counted as incorruptible good official of the law.

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党政机关要廉洁。The Party and government institutions should remain honest and clean.

你认为今届区议会选举系唔系廉洁咁进行?Do you think this year's District Council Election was corruption-free?

廉洁文化是社会主义先进文化的重要组成部分。Incorruption culture is an essential part of socialist advanced culture.

让大家都看得到你是诚实而廉洁的。Do things in such a way that everyone can see you are honest clear through.

报告强调需要建立廉洁的政府来着手解决这些问题。It emphasizes the need for clean governments prepared to tackle these issues.

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对大学生进行廉洁教育是高校思想政治工作的重要组成部分。It is very important to carry out incorrupt education among college students.

首先,打算振兴经济的政府必须毫不含糊地作到廉洁。First, the administration of the economic recovery plan has to be squeaky clean.

冈田克也在党内获得的支持源于他作为一位廉洁、勤勉的政治家的形像。His support in the party stems from his image as a clean and earnest politician.

建设廉洁、勤政、务实、高效政府。Build up a clean and honest, diligent, pragmatic and highly efficient government.

Ritty的廉洁出纳员在这个数据驱动的时代有了了不起的继承者。It is a striking successor of Ritty’s incorruptible cashier for a data-driven age.

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首先,它是建设廉洁、勤政、高效政府的需要。First, it is demand for building up incorrupt, hardworking and efficient government.

共和党人在联邦政府官员的廉洁问题上大做文章。The Republicans made a great whoop and a hollar about the honesty of federal employees.

共和党人大肆宣传联邦政府官员的廉洁问题。The Republicans made a great whoop and a holler about the honesty of federal employees.