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研究订正之处,并校订你的文章。Study the corrections and edits on your paper.

你已经得到回复,并且校订它。You’ve got feedback on your ebook and revised it

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我已经校阅此篇并将我校订的地方以黄色标示出来。I have revised the work and highlighted my revisions in yellow.

她整夜坐在打字机帝,校订成稿。She sat at her typewriter all night tooling up the final draft.

红旗街长影对过,45平分校订个。Red flag market grows shadow opposite, 45 in cent is proofreaded.

此校订版及由他传来的此篇相关圣相一并附呈。The revised file and associated holy image as sent by him are attached.

附呈的档案显示所做的修改,并且包括已经校订的档案。Attached are files showing the changes made, and files that have been revised.

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代办别人代理顾问建议校订者想出一个根除恶习的计策。The vice-adviser advised the reviser to devise advice for getting rid of vice.

代办顾问发起校订者想出一个根除败行的计谋。The vice-adviser advised the reviser to devise adevice for getting rid of vice.

代办别人代理顾问建议校订者想出一个根除恶习的计策。The vice-adviser advised the reviser to devise a de vice to getting rid of vice.

星期天的早上,我本应该赶在即将到来的假期前完成文章的校订。It’s Sunday morning and I should be editing articles in advance of my upcoming vacation.

代理照料建议校订者想出一个废除恶习的计谋。The vice-agent proposed the reviser to devise a computer device for getting rid of vice.

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代理照拂建议校订者想出一个废除恶习的计谋。The vice-advisor directed the reviser to devise a computer device forgetting rid of vice.

代理照拂建议校订者想出一个铲除恶习的计谋。The vice-mechanic suggested the reviser to devise a computer device forgetting rid of vice.

代理照拂建议校订者想出一个革除恶习的计谋。The vice-mechsomeic prescribed the reviser to devise a computer device forgetting rid of vice.

她还将在F1501的字型统一并订正了两个错别字,校订档附呈。She also unified the coding in F1501, and corrected two typos therein. The revised file attached.

教学、研究、服务与辅导评鑑须通过校订基本门槛。V. All faculty members must meet basic requirements in teaching, research, service and advisement.

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我通过电子邮件投稿和校订,利用互联网上的人名地址与同行交流。I submit articles and edit them via email and communicate with colleagues on Internet mailing lists.

此时,我们的重点转移到根据经过校订的关于功能范围的合约,开发剩下的功能。The focus shifts to building the rest of the functionality, based on the revised agreement on scope.

弟子开心敬造了〈韦陀大菩萨祈请颂〉一文,我已稍做校订。Disciple Kai Xin had composed a Supplication to the Great Bodhisattva Wei Tuo. I had revised it a bit.