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好一个硬骨头老家伙!What a fierce old fellow!

我还是让我的老板来啃这块儿硬骨头吧。I'll let my boss crack this hard nut.

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面向服务架构是块硬骨头。Service oriented architecture is hard work.

这硬骨头把刀刃弄钝了。The hard bone has dulled up the knife blade.

但嵌入式计算是一块难啃的硬骨头。But embedded computing is a tough nut to crack.

不过,中国对外国零售商来说是块难啃的“硬骨头”。China is a difficult place for foreign retailers, however.

美国情报人员都被训练来对付一些硬骨头。American intelligence officers are trained to tackle tough targets.

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新提议对于雅虎来说却是难以下咽的硬骨头。New proposals for Yahoo, it is difficult to swallow of being hard- boned.

日本敢直面中国,值得称赞。终于有个硬骨头的了。Japan standing upto China, is commendable. So finally somebody had the backbone.

即便是最后一轮对手浙江,也同样是块硬骨头。Even if is last round match Zhejiang, is also the block unyielding person similarly.

现在阿勒代斯的硬骨头布莱克本来了,斯科尔斯希望能战而胜之。Now, against Sam Allardyce's struggling Rovers team, Scholesy wants United to kick on.

公众也许是块硬骨头,但是你可以在你的同事那里获得尊重。The general public may well be a tough sell, but you can find respect from your peers.

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男方身上与女方接触部位覆盖着很厚的肌肉组织,因此这部分没有硬骨头。The male pubic area is covered with thick tissue, so this area doesn’t consist only of hard bones.

此外,虽然接下来的对手个个都是硬骨头,但老鹰却比其他两队要打更多的主场比赛。Additionally, Atlanta has more home games left than the other two teams, albeit against more difficult opposition.

任何有勇无谋的敌人胆敢派遣骑兵去冲击处于方阵中的这支部队都将发现他们的对手是块硬骨头。Any enemy foolhardy enough to charge their cavalry at this unit while they are in square will find them a tough target.

就此而言,若要深入推进事业单位改革,必须敢啃政府转型和行政体制改革这块“硬骨头”。In order to push the reform of public institutions, we need to start with government restructuring and administrative reform.

杨成武在“百团大战”井陉战役进入尾声后,就盯上了东团堡这块硬骨头。Yang Chengwu is in " 100 round big fight " after well Xing battle enters end, stare at went up east round fort this hard bone.

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发展社会经常将受脆弱性和冲突影响的国家简单视为发展的硬骨头。Too often, the development community has treated states affected by fragility and conflict simply as harder cases of development.

首先,我要对那些为了梦想决心啃下数学这块硬骨头的同学竖起大拇指。Above all, I should be determined to bite off for the dream to those the classmate vertical stroke of this hard bone removes maths thumb.

清洁牙齿的时候需要注意—要么有规律的给犬只硬骨头咀嚼,要么要手动去除齿斑菌。Cleanliness of teeth requires a bit of attention – either give your dogs regular hard bones to chew or remove the plaque build up manually.