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你可以通关了。You may go through now.

他暗通关节,钻营投机挤进了委员会。He bribed himself onto the committee.

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集装箱快速通关、绿色通道。Container fast track and green channel.

我已经填完所有的通关表格了。I have filled in all the customs forms.

没有通关和银行担保。No custom clearance and Bank guarantees.

您能告诉我怎样办理通关手续吗?Can you tell me how to go through customs?

图为通关现场关员征收关税场景。The picture shows Customs officers collecting tariffs.

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把红牛那关打通之后马里奥差不多就能通关了,怀念旧日校园生活啊。Break out the red bull, It's time to rock Mario, old school.

所有行李在通关时必须接受X光检查。All luggages must be X-rayed when passing through the Customs.

从他的观点来看,协作通关是对游戏的乐趣的毁灭。From his standpoint, walkthroughs ruin the pleasure of puzzles.

木材及木制品进出口代理、商检通关服务。Service of wood import and export agent, the customs clearence.

这条道路将为航空货运的通关带来更大便利。This road will bring air cargo customs clearance more convenient.

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对不起,你没有经过正常步骤通关,请从头来!Sorry, You have to obey the rule! Please start from the beginning!

本作可玩性非常之高,通关后值得挑战更高难度。This is a game that is worth replaying on the harder difficulties.

关于通关后的内容设计工作,大部分都没开始。Most of that design and work on end-game hasn't started yet though.

根据航空货运业的发展,空运通关改革势在必行。With the development of air freight, the reform of air clearance is necessary.

贾甲在桃园国际机场办理通关后脱离旅行团。Jia split from the group after clearing Customs at Taoyuan International Airport.

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遭到批评的的另一点是相对于其宣传力度,这款游戏要通关实在是太短了!Another crit was that the game play was surprisingly short for the hype generated.

申请适用便捷通关措施需要具备哪些条件?。What conditions are required to apply for facilitative measures customs clearance?

主角通关后都会开启一个无限模式的挑战、一个迷你游戏。There is a endless challenge and a mini game, after our hero complete his missions.