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史前人用打火石刀。Prehistoric man used flint knives.

马特说,“但有一个问题,我们需要一块打火石。”But there's one problem. We need a piece of flint.

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于是他拿出火绒箱,并敲击打火石。Then he took out his tinderbox and struck the flint.

只要它的质地接近打火石,卡森就有足够的信心将它磨成一把耐用的小刀。If it chipped like flint, he could make a serviceable knife out of it.

他觉得他扯了那么一通打火石的事,现在有点害怕。But thinking he had said too much about the flints , he was afraid to speak now.

但是他们不能扔石头、玩具车、弓箭之类的东西,就连打火石也不能扔。But they can't throw things like rocks, toy cars, arrows or even the flint stones.

那脑袋里的智慧,就像打火石里的火花一样,不去打它是不肯出来的。——莎士比亚。That the wisdom of the head, like the spark in the flint, don't go to play it is not out.

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用我击打岩石。能看到火花。露营的人们用我取火。我是谁?打火石。Strike me against a rock. See the spark. Campers can use me to start fires. Who am I? Flint.

“那样的话,我们可以燃起一把火。”马特说,“但有一个问题,我们需要一块打火石。”"Well, we can start a fire, " Matt said. "But there's one problem. We need a piece of flint. "

在考古现场发现了大量的打火石和武器,以及被掩埋在房子下面的人类的骨骼。A large number of flints and weapons have been found at the site as well as human skeletons buried under houses.

卓越出众、嬉戏玩耍的纯真实属易碎的品质,也许通过点点滴滴的小事可以让这种品质在他身上保留下去,比如庆祝进球的时候用打火石修脚趾甲,今天迎战布莱克本的比赛前赤身裸体地从球队大巴钻出来,或者是不理会一切损害尊严的言语。Paring his toenails with a flint to celebrate a goal. Emerging nude from the team bus for today's game at Blackburn.

说来就是装打火石,烟叶,纸片等易燃物的盒子。谁让那时还没有火柴呢?Tinder Box contains very combustible fibers which will smolder when a steel spark is struck on it by a piece of Flint.

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然而,幸运的是,古代人制作了很多石器,特别是打火石,因为它比其它东西更重新组合。Fortunately, however, ancient men made tools of stone, especially flint , because this is easier to shape than other kinds.

这款呈现淡青色的酒,清澈明亮,散发着带有花香味的矿石气息,打火石的味道尤为明显。White-green colour, limpid and brilliant. Harmonious floral and mineral blends with gun-flint notes which are typical of Chablis wines.

除了装有轻巧的塑料信号镜、精心设计的哨子、可单手使用的打火石外,每个救生包中还有一个特种火源——即所谓的WetFire。In addition to packing lightweight plastic signal mirrors, well-designed whistles and flints that can be used one-handed, each kit contains a special type of tinder called WetFire.

“葵花牌”打火石是世界公认的名牌产品,在国内外均有注册,具有较高的科技和市场含金量。"Sunflower"lighter flints are world-famous products. This trademark has been registered at home and aboard. It adopts advanced technology and possesses good reputation in markets all over the world.