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雇工们都在围场上闲混。The boys were in the compound loafing.

他从不把雇工当人看待。He never regarded the farmhands as human beings.

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雇工们喝到壶里的水很开心。The men were glad to have that water in the jug.

他的日子不像雇工人的日子吗。are not his days also like the days of an hireling?

雇工人的工价,不可在你那里过夜留到早晨。Do not hold back the wages of a hired man overnight.

农业劳动者夏季常去当雇工。Farm labors used to hire themselves out for the summer.

雇工把他的饭碗装满,开始吃第二顿饭。The hired man refilled his plate and ate a second time.

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他的两个雇工协助接生员,于是孩子就出生了。Two of his men assisted the midwife and the baby was born.

你有没有专为押金、备货和雇工准备的资金?Do you have the funds for deposits, inventory and staffing?

监工得监督许多雇工。The overlooker has to overlook a large number of employees.

各家公司对于恢复以前的雇工水平保持谨慎。Companies remain cautious about hiring at the levels they once did.

每个月,有数以百万的新离职者,又有数以百万的新雇工。Each month, there are millions of new quits and millions of new hires.

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这些渊凯人协同他们的同盟与雇工很快就会离开。The Yunkai'i will soon be gone, and their allies and hirelings with them.

他们雇了一些雇工,还和寺庙里的和尚约好。They hired some workmen and made arrangements with the monks in the temple.

雇工逃走,因为他是雇工,并不顾念羊。The hireling fleeth, because he is an hireling, and careth not for the sheep.

通过合同中添加一个雇工建筑物现在更新“管理资产”窗口。Adding a hireling to a building via contracts now updates the manage asset window.

一些共和党人力促临时减免工资所得税来降低雇工成本。Some Republicans are keen on a payroll-tax holiday to temporarily cut employment costs.

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由于有抽大烟和雇工的开销,他自己过着仅能糊口的生活。Because of the money spent on opium and hired labor, he had barely enough food for himself.

贾巴没有给他自由,而是把这个傻乎乎的克拉图因青年当作自己的雇工。Rather than give the Klatooinian his freedom, Jabba kept the dim-witted youth in his employ.

粗活的雇工数在1901年达到顶峰,当时英格兰有325万的粗重劳工。Peak employment for horses was in 1901, there were 3.25 million working horses in the England.