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自从以种植可可代替古柯之后,安古洛先生过上了平静的生活。Life is calmer now that Mr. Angulo sells cocoa instead of coca.

Vega认为,古柯在该地区长期种植的可能性不大。Vega does not see coca as a crop with long term possibilities in the area.

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可卡因是古柯叶经深加工后精制的粉末。Coca is the leaf, and cocaine is the highly manufactured and refined powder.

“如今我们不再关心古柯”,这个小镇的市长德切罗·萨拉斯表示。"We don't care about coca now," says Tercero Salas, the mayor of the small community.

“如今我们不再关心古柯”,这个小镇的市长德切罗·萨拉斯表示。"We don't care about coca now, " says Tercero Salas, the mayor of the small community.

可口可乐最初是用古柯树叶和可乐果做成的一种糖浆,作为药品出售。It was originally made from a syrup of coca leaves and cola nuts and sold as a medicine.

但是没有人知道红牛可口可乐古柯叶来自哪里或他们是否进行过处理。But no one knows where Red Bull Cola's coca leaves come from or where they are processed.

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古柯在照片上与旁边的深色植物比起来,看起来颜色更加鲜绿。Coca plants appear bright green in these pictures, standing out against darker vegetation.

可卡因是一种结晶状的莨菪生物碱,是从古柯叶中提取得来的。Cocaine is a crystalline tropane alkaloid that is obtained from the leaves of the coca plant.

古柯是生产毒品可卡因的原料,但玻利维亚人有利用古柯的传统。Morales has asked the United States to reconsider a proposed cut in anti-drug aid to Bolivia.

“古柯种植和产量都在显著降低,”Lemaitre说。"Both the cultivation and the production of cocaine have dropped dramatically, " Lemaitre said.

他补充道,此外,古柯种植者滥用杀虫剂,而这些农药在哥伦比亚是明令禁止的。Coca growers use plenty of pesticides, many of which are technically banned in Colombia, he said.

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但问题是当涉及到古柯和可卡因,它不仅仅是一个健康问题,而是一个法律问题。But the problem is when it comes to coca and cocaine, it's not just a health concern, but a legal one.

其网站上拥有彩色图片的古柯,豆蔻和科拉坚果,连同其他关键的“天然”成分。Its website boasts colorful pictures of coca, cardamom and Kola nuts, along with other key "natural" ingredients.

研究发现,其实只有少数的森林砍伐是由于直接种植古柯灌丛造成的。Only a small part of the demonstrated deforestation is driven by clearing land to plant coca bushes, the study found.

这位印第安总统称这条路将为可可种植者带来惠泽,并拓展他们的种植园。莫拉莱斯仍然担任古柯种植者联盟的主席。The Indians said the road would be a boon to coca growers, whose union Mr Morales still heads, and expand their plantations.

然而,公司坚持古柯叶是在消除了非法可卡因生物碱之后才被用作调味剂。The company insists, however, that coca leaves are used as a flavoring agent only after removing the illegal cocaine alkaloid.

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可乐里面没有可卡因,并且从未有过,尽管它使用古柯叶和可可果作为调料和刺激成本。There's no cocaine in Coke, and technically there never was, though it uses coca leaves and kola nuts as flavorings and stimulants.

一尊来自祭祀葬礼的女性雕像,她左边的面颊里还塞着一团古柯叶。它是少数幸存下来的印加手工艺品之一。A woman with a wad of coca in her left cheek—a figurine from a sacrificial burial—is one of the rare surviving pieces of Inca artifact.

埃沃·莫拉莱斯,这个昔日的美洲驼放牧人和曾经的古柯叶农民,不着西装而是穿上条纹茄克。Evo Morales, the former llama herder and coca leaf farmer who wears a stripy jumper rather than a shirt and tie, seems to be breaking all the moulds.