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他变得怒不可遏,满脸涨红。He's getting red with anger.

所有这些令霍格伦德怒不可遏。All of it makes Greg Hoglund furious.

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他的无礼使我怒不可遏。His rudeness made me boil with anger.

我非常非常的生气,我怒不可遏。I am so very very angry, I am furious.

他怒不可遏地颤声表示反对。He bleated his objections in a helpless rage.

他怒不可遏地掀掉了桌子。He lifted, and pushed the table away in anger.

刘备退休的很平静,但张飞怒不可遏。Liu Bei retired calmly, but Zhang Fei was furious.

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对这种明目张胆的入侵感到怒不可遏。Resentment flared at such an unmannered intrusion.

钱百万怒不可遏,决意下山报复日军。Millions of money to anger, revenge Japanese mountain.

他一想起自己被出卖的情形就怒不可遏。He maddened at the thought of how he had been betrayed.

他的怒不可遏表明他需要引起注意。His tantrums are a statement of his need for attention.

“海法兹先生,这是谎言!”里克曼怒不可遏地喊道。"Mr. Hafetz, that's a lie! " Rickman shouted in a rage.

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看到对待儿童如此残忍使他怒不可遏。He couldn't check his anger to see such cruelty to children.

特修斯和海格拉斯对他们的野蛮行径怒不可遏。Both Theseus and Heracles were enraged at their wild behaviour.

当天她的昔日恋人就怒不可遏地发来了一封电邮。Later that day, she received an angry email from her former flame.

它就是她的一切,可现在有人竟是如此残忍,这让我怒不可遏。She is my baby. It makes my blood boil that someone could be so cruel.

当你沮丧不已,或是怒不可遏,连家人的话都听不进去。And when you are upset or furious, even your family fail to talk to you.

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每当我看见其他男孩撇下我去追随他,我就变得心急如焚,怒不可遏。I became worried and angry when I saw the other boys follow him instead of me.

生气时,数十下再说话,如果怒不可遏,那就数一百下。When angry, count to ten before you speak. If very angry, count to one hundred.

出发之前,李万胜的父亲怒不可遏试图阻止。Before his departure for the station, his father stopped speaking to him in anger.