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我这件棉袄凑合着还能穿一冬。I can make this padded jacket do for another winter.

他壮实的在冬天不需要穿棉袄。He is very strong and he needn't wear cotton-padded jacket.

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夏天的棉袄、冬天的蒲扇、还有等我心冷后你的殷勤。Summer cotton-padded jacket, winter stalk, and your heart cold as diligent.

高档男女装棉袄面料,经过防水,防绒处理。High-grade fabric jacket for men and women, through water, down-proof handle.

“唉,还是睡吧,”鸣凤叹了一口气,没精打采地说,一面解棉袄的纽扣。I'd better go to sleep, she thought dully, opening the buttons of her padded jacket.

我只看见系在一起的两条乌黑的辫子,搭在花布棉袄上。I just saw two sooty plaits tied together, put up on her printed cloth wadded jacket.

明天应该非常冷,我需要拿出我的厚棉袄了。Tomorrow is supposed to be mind-numbingly cold . I need to get out my heavy winter jacket.

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同时,她的想像中就展开了那件旧棉袄惹人讪笑的情形,她忍不住哭起来了。Still, picturing the jeers her old padded jacket would evoke, she couldn't restrain her tears.

家园如一件厚厚的棉袄,等待着一个个伶仃的流浪者去穿。A home is just like a thicker cotton-padded jacket to wait for every lonely drifter to wear it.

快要走了,妈妈怕我冻着,把我全副“武装”起来,在我身上又加了一件大棉袄。" To go, my mother is afraid of cold, I put the "heavily armed" with, in my body with a big jacket.

棉袄的背部和两肘用颜色稍深的花布补着几块补丁。At the back of the wadded jacket and under the elbows there were some mends of another printed cloth.

这意味着开始了崭新的一年,这天人们要在家大扫除还要穿新棉袄。It is important to start the New Year fresh, and this means cleaning up the house and buying new clothes.

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我儿子生下来就只给他上身穿棉袄,下半身是完全裹在包被里面的。My son was born to him only wearing cotton-padded jacket, lower body is completely wrapped in coated inside.

妇女们或卖掉这少得可怜的棉花或用来为家人缝补棉袄。These women will either sell their handfuls of cotton or use it to line the quilted jackets for their families.

本公司常年生产中老年女式套装、短袖衬衫、风衣、茄克、棉袄。The Company perennial production of middle-aged women's suits, short sleeve shirts, coats, jackets, cotton jacket.

我的棉袄,在早上起床的时候会变得冰凉,冷不丁穿在身上非常难受。My wadded jacket became very cool while my getting up. Therefore it was very uncomfortable as putting it on at once.

说完,妇人脱下自己的棉袄连同一个装满小饰品的火柴盒一起交给了瑟拉,说也捐给海啸灾民。The woman then removed her coat to also send to the tsunami victims. She also gave Sena a matchbox full of trinkets.

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所以,现在教育的问题是没有人会一丝不挂去洗澡,但太多人正穿着棉袄在洗澡。So now, education is no man will take a shower naked, but too many people are wearing cotton-padded jacket in a bath.

它身穿白棉袄,远远望去好像白色的绒球,它的尾巴很小很小,藏在后面。It wears a white cotton-padded jacket, which looked from a distance like white pompon, its tail is tiny, hidden in the back.

这时,街道上出现了几个淘气包的身影,他们穿着厚厚的棉袄,围着围巾,戴着帽子和手套,在街道上玩耍。At this time, a few naughty figure on the streets, they wear a thick cotton padded jacket, scarf, hats and gloves, playing in the street.