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之后它就有了动能。Then it has kinetic energy.

动能是守恒的。Kinetic energy is conserved.

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动能将会增加。Kinetic energy will increase.

还有垂直的方向上动能。And in an orthogonal direction.

这就是动能定理。This is the work-energy theorem.

摩擦力可以转移动能。Friction can remove kinetic energy.

摩擦力一定抵消动能。Friction must take kinetic energy out.

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这是频率和动能。So, that was frequency with kinetic energy.

动能定然增加了。Well, kinetic energy has clearly increased.

系统的平动动能就是零。The system translational energy is equal to zero.

也就是在这个方向上的平动动能。Let's say, translational energy in this direction.

我们知道在生活中,摩擦力抵消动能。We know in life that friction takes kinetic energy out.

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也就是提高助跑速度,获得更大的动能。That is, to improve run-up speed, greater kinetic energy.

当我们活动时,它们也会产生振动---动能。They also produce vibrations when we move—kinetic energy.

失去了动能-,我们见每个例子中都有。You lose kinetic energy-- we saw it in every single case.

总功指的是势能,和动能的总和。That means the sum of potential energy and kinetic energy.

KERS是动能回收系统的缩写。The acronym KERS stands for Kinetic Energy Recovery System.

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此外,在成本高位之下,贸易商也缺乏大幅杀跌的动能。In addition, under the high cost, traders and lack of energy.

毫不犹豫的去接受这个动能并使这一切发生吧。Accept nothing less- you have the star-power to make it happen!

在这个例子中,我不能把直线动能转化到飞轮上。In this case, I cannot convert linear motion into the flywheel.