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他是枝繁叶茂的无理性之蛇发妖树。It is a hydra-headed tree of unreason with a thousand roots.

三千多年的银杏树依然枝繁叶茂。This more-than-3,000-year-old gingko still has luxuriant foliage.

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新年这一天,我们把它葬在了一棵枝繁叶茂的黑杨树下。We buried him on New Year's Day under a spreading cottonwood tree.

但只要这棵树枝繁叶茂,她就决不敢进入纳尼亚。But while that Tree flourishes she will never come down into Narnia.

黄褐色的树木虽已熟的可以折枝剥皮,却仍然枝繁叶茂。The russet woods stood ripe to be stript, but ware yet full of leaf.

过了几天,万年青竟然活过来了,和原来一样,它还是枝繁叶茂。After a few days, even live evergreen, and like the original, it is un-.

行业内小旅行社入不敷出,大旅行社枝繁叶茂。Within the industry large agencies gained at the expense of smaller ones.

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原来是两个壮族的小朋友在枝繁叶茂的榕树下对歌呢。Zhuang is the original two children in the Climb under the banyan Duige it.

山间松林阵阵,枝繁叶茂,为作品增添了几分。Mountain pine bursts, the flourishing of works added some heroic atmosphere!

我相信,玉树一定会枝繁叶茂,雨后的绿芽已经带来了春的信息。I believe, Yushu will lush, green shoots after the rain has brought the spring.

说好一起来珍藏这枝繁叶茂的感动。Comes to an agreement comes together to collect this numerous full of leaves touchs.

走了一个时辰光景,他们走到了一棵矮矮的枝繁叶茂的树旁,树上密密麻麻地挂满了念珠。After an hour, the trail took the by a low, spreading tree strung thickly with beads.

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但松树及冬青灌木这类常青植物在冬日酷寒下仍能枝繁叶茂。Yet evergreen plants like pine trees and holly bushes flourish despite the winter freeze.

桂花树不要仅高,而且枝繁叶茂,树叶绿得发亮。Sweet-scented osmanthus tree is not only high, but also to flourish in the leaves were bright green.

枝繁叶茂的花总是向着阳光,总是花期很长,经得起风春日晒,生命力旺盛。Flowers always spreading towards sunshine, always bloom very long, withstand wind spring sun and vitality.

溪流边,棉白杨和柳树枝繁叶茂,美洲野猫、河狸和其他动物们在此栖息。Cottonwoods and willows are thriving along streams, creating habitats for bobcats, beavers, and other animals.

无论孩子里面的“大人”是枝繁叶茂、被改变或是被抑制,父母的行为都是至关重要的。The parents' behavior is crucial to whether the adult-within-the-child flourishes, deforms or becomes arrested.

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克里斯汀·迪奥是一个枝繁叶茂的老品种,抗病力强。Christian Dior is an old rose variety that performs well having good foliage and showing good disease resistance.

而我最近遇到的一位古生物气象学家也告诉我,在四千万年以前,南极洲还是一派温暖宜人、枝繁叶茂的景象。I recently met a paleoclimatologist who explained that until a mere 40 million years ago Antarctica was warm and leafy.

房屋的百叶窗合着,枝繁叶茂的棕榈树在窗边瑟瑟发抖,我的父亲在山顶上呼喊。And home with the shutters banging, the palm trees groaning at the windows, and my father's voice shouting on the hilltop.