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写得放纵一点的,称为行草。Writes indulges a spot, is called the good grass.

其书法四体皆能,以隶书、行草为最著。His calligraphy tetrasomic able to Lishu, most famous for Cursive.

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了解敦煌遗书中的行草书法,必须要从敦煌的政治、经济、文化、学术、佛教等一起去探讨。To know the free and grass script of Dunhuang posthumous writing is to study the politics economy culture scholarship and Buddhism.

魏晋六朝行草尺牍独特的章法形式的出现绝非偶然。The fact that the correspondence by running hand unique art of composition of Wei , Jin and Six Dynasties do not appear accidentally.

其作品的传统行草书及水墨山水部分,通过用香烟烧过的手制宣纸,隐约可见。It depicts the series of works in which inscriptions in running script and painted landscapes are glimpsed through layers of Chinese hand-made paper.

敦煌遗书中行草书法的研究,对中国书法史和敦煌学的研究都具有重大的、积极的意义。The study of free and grass script in Dunhuang posthumous writing is of great importance to the history of Dunhuang calligraphy and the study of Dunhuang.

本文以魏晋六朝行草尺牍作为研究对象,主要研究其章法的特点及其成因。In this article , we take the correspondence by running hand of Wei, Jin and Six Dynasties as our research object , mainly studies its art of composition and its origin.

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第三部分是从盛唐的时代背景出发,从政治、经济、文化、审美、书学、书写工具和材料作为客观因素对颜体行草书风起到促成作用。The third part starts with the settings of prosperous Tang dynasty, promoting its style from the points of politics , culture, economy, aesthetics, writing tools and materials.

后潜心研究汉代简书,以行草飞动圆劲的笔触,写庄重醇厚之体,形成了具个性的草隶,为书界所公认。Jane Han after studying the book to Cursive flying strong strokes a round, solemn mellow write the body, forming a personality with grass attached, has been recognized for the book industry.

唐的行草书柔中寓刚、自然洒脱、笔墨流畅、趣味天成,可望今后将有更大的进步和影响。The lines, and strokes, are natural and fluent with a touch of beauty that is beyond description. It is our sincere wish that Mr. Tang's calligraphy will continue to flourish in the near future.

在他的书法特色上,分别就他的楷书和行草书进行分类,并且对其代表作进行详细的介绍和说明,以及特点进行分析。In his calligraphy's characteristics, respectively, on his regular script and cursive line classified, and its representative to conduct detailed introduction and description, analysis and features.