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黑皮鞋。Black leather shoes.

你能给我的皮鞋擦一擦油吗?Can you oil my leather shoes?

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我建议你穿鹿皮鞋。I suggest you wear moccasins.

我的皮鞋需要擦擦。My leather shoes need cleaning.

我的皮鞋需要擦擦了。My leather shoes want cleaning.

精明泼妇的软皮鞋。The shrewd shrew's suede shoes.

老人喜欢穿软皮鞋。Old people like to wear moccasins.

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出门前把你的皮鞋擦亮。Shine your shoes before going out.

你该把皮鞋擦一擦了。You ought to get yur shoes shined.

这些黑漆皮鞋被磨损了。These patent leather shoes scuffed.

他把皮鞋擦得光亮。He buffed his shoes to a bright shine.

硝皮工人硝皮以制作皮鞋。Tanners tan hides to make leather shoes.

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衫、西裤、过膝裙及皮鞋。Black –Tops, trousers, skirt covered knees.

我是素食主义者,但我穿皮鞋。I'm a vegetarian, but I wear leather shoes.

粗花呢衣服和乡下人穿的结实皮鞋。The rest of us wore rough tweeds and brogues.

可爱的皮鞋是她母亲给的。The cute tasseled loafers are from her mother.

皮鞋和裤子上沾着斑斑点点的粪块。Bits of manure clung to his shoes and trousers.

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他把自己的皮鞋擦得闪闪发亮。He shone his leather shoes up till they gleamed.

你想要什么鞋,布鞋还是皮鞋?Which do you want, cloth shoes or leather shoes?

这双皮鞋的料子可能是合成革。The shoes are probably made of synthetic leather.