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他的专业是比较文学。He majored in comparative literature.

对于中西比较文学来说,危机既是挑战也是机遇。The crisis is not only a challenge, but also a chance.

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他拥有加拿大麦吉尔大学的比较文学硕士学位。He holds a MA in comparative literature from McGill University in Montréal.

翻译研究在当代比较文学研究中正呈现方兴未艾之势。Translation study in the field of comparative literature is on the upswing.

三是运用新批评方法作比较文学研究。Third, using new methods of literary criticism in contrast liberal research.

因此,比较文学研究应从共通性转向差异性。So the comparative literature research should turn from commonness to difference.

中外几位比较文学与口传文学研究者就此进行了座谈。Some scholars who study comparative literature and folk tales held a seminar about it.

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正是这种观念为我们比较文学和历史提供了新的基础。It is this idea that has provided the new foundation to compare literature and history.

丁韪良关于中国诗歌的论述为后人提供了比较文学的视角。His discussions of Chinese poetry provide a useful perspective of comparative literature.

在比较文学的研究方法中,影响研究引起的歧解最多,争议最大。Among the study methods of comparative literature, influence study causes the most errors.

比较文学的发展,使传统的影响研究面临新的课题。The development of comparative literature has made the traditional impact study face a new issue.

雷纳•韦勒克是比较文学研究领域一位颇有建树的学者。As a famous scholar, René Wellek is quintessential and influential in the field of comparative literature.

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本届年会由中国比较文学学会主办,复旦大学、上海师范大学和上海市比较文学学会一同承办。The congress is hosted by CCLA, and undertaken by Fudan University, Shanghai Normal University and ShHCLA.

从比较文学的角度去研究明清小说理论,可以探求这一理论探索的新的学术价值。So if exploring the theories on novel from the angle of comparative literature, their new value may be got.

比较文学作为一门学科,是文学发展到一定历史阶段的必然产物。Comparative literature, as a discipline, is the natural result of historical development of world literature.

如果不行的话,我应该会申请去加利福尼亚大学的比较文学研究生院。And if I don't do that. then I will apply to graduate school in comparative literature, probably in California

对中韩两国当代文学的比较研究是中韩比较文学研究中一个亟待立项的课题。It is an urgent task to set up the comparative research on the contemporary literature of China and South Korea.

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北京师范大学珠海分校外国语学院学术委员会主任,比较文学与世界文学教授、博士生导师。Professor Liu Xiangyu, a doctoral supervisor, is a renowned scholar on contrastive literature and world literature.

从比较文学形象学和后殖民理论的角度分析,其背后掩藏着丰富的文化意蕴。By the means of Comparative Literature Imagologie and Post-Colonalism, this text probe into cultural implications of it.

迅速崛起的比较文学湘军已引起国内外学界的瞩目。The fast rising Xiang Army of Comparative Literature becomes the focus of the national and international academic field.