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我喜欢西红柿。I like tomatoes.

西红柿和火腿。Tomatoes and ham.

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我喜欢欢吃西红柿。I like eating tomatoes.

彭妮喜欢吃西红柿吗?Does Penny like tomatoes?

这些西红柿很甜。These tomatoes are sweet.

你以前喜欢西红柿。You used to like tomatoes.

暮色中的一畦畦西红柿。The dusky rows of tomatoes.

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红色的西红柿进入锅中。Red tomato goes into the pot.

西红柿汤是我喜欢的东西。Tomato soup is my cup of tea.

在莴苣生菜叶上铺一层西红柿。Tomatoes on a bed of lettuce.

西红柿还没熟。The tomatoes are not yet ripe.

我吃西红柿、豆腐和鱼。I have tomatoes, tofu and fish.

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咱们吃西红柿,豆腐和鱼。We have tomatoes , tofu and fish.

我吃面条、牛肉和西红柿。I have noodles, beef and tomatoes.

西红柿”借自墨西哥语。"tomato" was borrowed from Mexico.

我做的西红柿鸡蛋汤怎么样?How about I make tomato and egg soup?

然后,他做西红柿和火腿的午餐。Then he makes lunch. Tomatoes and ham.

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他用竹竿支撑起西红柿秧。He staked his tomato vines with bamboo.

她要买面包,肉,牛奶,糖和西红柿。She wants bread, meat, milk, sugar and.

加入西红柿碎和月桂叶。Add the crushed tomatoes and bay leaves.