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我是一杯白开水,冷暖自知。I am a cup of boiling water, run.

我晓得。我已经冷暖自知。I know. I've already got the picture.

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幸福如同饮水,冷暖自知。Happiness is like drinking water, affair.

那就让冷暖自知的心成为自己永远的包袱。Then let articulate the heart become ever albatross.

回忆,是苦,是甜,如人饮水,冷暖自知。Memories, bitter, sweet, such as drinking water, ice.

人生是场荒芜的旅行,冷暖自知,苦乐在心。Life is a barren travel, affair, and pain in the heart.

冷暖自知,与本人的影子相互抚慰。Standing all by myself, body and shadow comforting each other.

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只是突然发现冷暖自知是如何让人觉得遗憾。Just suddenly found lengnuanzizhi is how to let person feel sorry.

中国网络媒体经历生命中的第一个十年,从无到有,冷暖自知。Chinese cyber media had experienced the first ten years in its life by 2005.

至于哪个更合适自己,就如人饮水,冷暖自知了。As to which more appropriate oneself, water like the person, changes in temperature from cicada.

关于少年时代,冷暖自知,最朴素的生活,与最遥远的梦想。About young age, the wearer knows where the shoe pinches, most of the simple life, and the most distant dream.

我害怕一旦说出口,这爱就不再是我一个人的事。而我始终认定,爱情只是一个人的事情,冷暖自知。I fear once said exports, which is no longer love me. And I always maintain, love is only one thing, where the shoe pinches.

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其实我也明白,我只不过是那的路人甲,没有人会在意我的感受,可能真是应了那句话,人生如茶,冷暖自知!In fact, I know, I was only that the man, no one will care about my feelings, may really be a sentence, life such as tea, ice!

“解铃还须系铃”、“求不如求己,一动不如一静”、“冤有债有主,如饮冷暖自知”这些也都出自老僧名言,高僧句。"The other", "best, go farther and fare worse", "is the Lord avenge the debt, such as the" drink are from the old monk quotes, monks.

在佩特利布里奇往上的荒原,虽说我的帐篷挨了一整晚的瓢泼大雨依然滴水不漏,可这是一个人的冷暖自知,在大自然中也感到自身的过于渺小。And while my tent didn't leak despite a fierce overnight downpour on the moors above Pateley Bridge, it's a one-man affair and feels too small.

修行要靠自己去行,才会有真实的领悟,所谓“如人饮水,冷暖自知。”In order to attain true comprehension of the Dharma, you must practice yourself. Just as they say, "He who drank it knows whether the water was cold or warm."

通过谛听密音达成三摩地,瑜伽行者心里的喜乐逐渐增加,难以言说,如人饮水,冷暖自知。The happiness which increases in the hearts of Yogiswaras, who have gained success in Samadhi by means of attention to the nada, is beyond description, and is known to Sri Guru Natha alone.

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只能冷暖自知,再自知,再自知,自知到灵魂的深处去孑然独立,在这漫长的路途中一直跑下去,跑向无谓的投奔。Can only know without being told, knows oneself again, knows oneself again, knows oneself goes solitarily to the soul deep place independent, has run in this long journey, runs to senseless going.

真正的好处,是说不出来的,如人饮水,冷暖自知,唯有真心的人,才能自然而然地领会到其中的妙处。One cannot speak of true advantages. Just as someone will know the warmth or coolness of a glass of water only after drinking from it, true-hearted people will naturally understand the wonder in this.