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以色列一以贯之地是美国的友邦。Israel has always been pro-American.

这种联系又是在什么样的思维路径上一以贯之的。This link is what kind of thinking in a consistent path of.

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儒家的为己之学传统是一以贯之的。Self cultivation has been a traditional doctrine of Confucianism.

在古代山水诗的创作中,回归是一个一以贯之的主题。In ancient Chinese landscape poetry, return was a recurrent theme.

杰克逊说,尽管底线会要高很多,但这样的理念还会一以贯之。Jackson said that would still be the philosophy, although the threshold would be much lower.

总之,记住一以贯之是关键——如果你坚持下去,你的艰苦努力一定会得到好的结果。Above all, remember that consistency is key — if you keep at it, your hard work will pay off.

追问和探究实体是西方古典哲学一以贯之的主题。Questing and inquiring substance is the subject of western classical philosophy all the time.

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高度重视文风建设是我们党一以贯之的优良传统。Paying more attention in the style of writing is the good traditions of our Party all the time.

尽管宣称一以贯之,有些保守党指责她言行不一。Despite the rhetorical force of her convictions, some Tory colleagues accuse her of inconsistency.

从小事开始,一以贯之的坚持下去,保持灵敏的反应。Start with smaller jumps at first, but do it consistently enough that you don't lose your reflexes.

粤东词有独特的发展道路,也有基本一以贯之的主导风格。The lyrical poetry of Eastern Guangdong has its unique path of development and its dominant persistent style.

但公司的表现未能一以贯之,从而使得摩托罗拉的专利看起来比其业务本身更有价值。But the performance has been inconsistent, making Motorola seem more valuable for its patents than its business.

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事实上,课程的威力在于它所说的一切是如此一以贯之而又简单明瞭。In fact, where the Course's great power comes from is that it is so consistent and simple in everything it says.

由于未能在6月份推出新款iPhone,这家科技业巨头过去几年一以贯之的新产品发布模式被打破。In failing to unveil a new version, the tech behemoth broke with its usual release pattern of the past few years.

马克思主义的社会发展目标是中共一以贯之的指导思想。Maxist goal of social development is the guiding ideology that the Communist Party of China has been persisting in.

佛陀即释迦牟尼,乃佛教的创立者,其言教内容虽多,但有其一以贯之者。Buddha, namely Sakyamuni, is the founder of Buddhism. He has many teachings, but there is a clue in all his teachings.

山水诗在谢氏手中的演进与特点,与其家族一以贯之的宗风有着内在的联系。The characteristics and the development of landscape poetry had some affiliations with the family customs of the Xie Clan.

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当然,这种一以贯之的饮食养生传统,对清代士人的饮食养生也产生了巨大的影响,并由此走向最后的辉煌。Furthermore, such tradition of Dietary Regimen had affected on the interati in Qing Dynasty, and led its own way to summit.

就在今天,确定为了获得成就要怎样克服遇到的所有障碍,拟定一个一以贯之的计划,然后迈出第一步。Today, decide what you need to do to overcome any barriers to your achievement, put a plan together, and take the first step.

这些都显示史诗是一部宣扬个人主义思想、赞美个人英雄的作品,个人主义是作品一以贯之的主体文化精神。All these expressed that the epic was a work that blazons forth individualism and exalts personal hero, so, individualism is th.