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花朵让房间满室生辉。Flowers brighten up a room.

你的到来使这屋棚壁生辉。Your coming brightened up the room.

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你的微笑使得陋室生辉。Your smile just brightens up the room.

璀灿生辉,带你进入品位奢华生活世界。Sparkling, bring u to the luxury world.

脸颊上的两片红晕,使她满面生辉。Two spots of color brightened IT cheeks.

蔷薇色的装饰会令你顿时生辉。Rosy touch-ups are an instant way to brighten up your outfits.

活泼的叫顾盼生辉,矜特叫稳重大方。The lively call look unripe brightness, jin's call sedate and easy.

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实德斯柏丽标志设计以亚洲灰和实德红相映生辉。Logo design of Sparlee used the Asian color gray and red color from Shide.

更低一点的摩天大楼装饰着一些世界巨头如花旗银行和汇丰银行的徽标,煜煜生辉。Lesser skyscrapers glow with the logos of global giants such as Citi and HSBC.

这对新婚夫妇带着使面颊生辉的幸福感举行了婚礼。The couple performed a wedding ceremony with the happiness that bloomed the cheeks.

这就是那个华丽无比的餐厅,那个装璜精美、四壁生辉、专供有钱人进餐的地方。Here was the splendid dining-chamber, all decorATEd and aglow, where the wealthy ATE.

一幅书法能使白壁生辉、宾朋开颜。A calligraphic work can bring vitality to a white wall, pleasing to guests and friends.

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汶川地震以后深圳各大酒店依然夜夜生辉,不少富家子弟大鱼大肉。After the quake, hotels in Shenzhen were also full of wealthy people having a good time.

仇恨并非只是单向的,在荣耀生辉的总统岁月中,那种对理查德·尼克松咬牙切齿的恨几乎可看做是美国自由主义最明显的时代特征。Hating Richard Nixon was almost the defining feature of American liberalism during his glory years.

他们还能将金箔“吹”到佛像和各种物体上让它们顿时生辉,金光灿烂。They can be gold, "blow" to the statues and various objects to make them suddenly brilliance, glittering.

连字也不认识的花子双眼生辉,因此吉平决定让她无论如何都要去学校。Hanako eyes even words also dont know unripe brightness, so JiPing decided to let her go to school anyway.

她的风度和美貌使满屋生辉,当她走过时,那些残暴的小偷们凶狠的面孔一下子变得温和起来。Her grace and beauty lit up the room, and the hard faces of the cruel thieves softened as she passed them.

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这就是那个华丽无比的餐厅,那个装璜精美、四壁生辉、专供有钱人进餐的地方。Here was the splendid dining-chamber, all decorated and aglow, where the wealthy ate. Ah, how fortunate was Mrs.

让生命之花因为年轻而生彩,让青春因为活力而生辉。Let flower of the life because of young and lives the color, lets the youth live the splendor because of the vigor.

啊,怡飞姑娘的眼睫毛竟然也是银绿色的,在银光如泻的月色下,闪闪生辉。Ah, Overfly girl eyelashes turns out to be silver green, in the silver moonlight it is as flowing sparkles and glittering.