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哇,真是金碧辉煌啊!Wow, it is indeed resplendent !

金碧辉煌的宫殿使她赞叹不已。The glorious palace dazzled her.

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爱情可使茅屋变成金碧辉煌的宫殿。Love can turn the cottage into a golden palace.

这座庙宇已恢复成古时金碧辉煌的样子了。This temple has been restored to its ancient glory.

但现在是一个金碧辉煌的大架子勉力支撑。But now is a resplendent managed to support a large shelf.

在许多金碧辉煌的董事会后藏着多少悲戚的故事。Behind many glittering boardrooms lie tales of human misery.

舞厅里装饰得金碧辉煌。There were magnificent gold decorations inside the ballroom.

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金碧辉煌的宴会大厅,可容纳400人同时就餐。Glittering banquet hall can accommodate 400 people at a time.

总而言之,拥有一个强烈的意愿可以鼓励我们去完成那金碧辉煌的业绩!In short , a strong will can encourage us to perform wonderful deeds.

直到,我看见了那一片迎风招展的经幡,金碧辉煌的屋顶。Until I saw it fluttering in the breeze of a Jingfan, resplendent roof.

很久以前,在一座金碧辉煌的城堡里住着一位骄纵、自私的王子。A long time ago and far away, there lived a merchant and his three daughters.

文莱的大清真寺金碧辉煌,用白色大理石和黄金建成。Masjid Kampong Sungai Keun Mosque in Brunei is made of white marble and gold.

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很久以前,在一座金碧辉煌的城堡里,住着一位年轻的王子。Once upon a time in a faraway land, a young prince lived in a shining castle.

有一个人死后,在去阎罗殿的路上,遇见一座金碧辉煌的宫殿。A man died and was on his way to another world, either the Heaven or the hell.

我们进入财神庙便会感到金碧辉煌的感觉。We enter the temple of the God of wealth will feel the feeling of beautiful decoration.

谁将是金秋唯一黄袍加身的王?谁将是永远金碧辉煌的魂?Who will be the only golden rule as emperor of the king? Who is always resplendent soul?

布达拉宫宫顶是一个金碧辉煌的艺术世界,浮光跃金,辉煌夺目。Potala Palace is splendid in green and gold attracting the attention from the whole world.

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在受洗的那一天,皇宫到处金碧辉煌。光线甚至照到最高的塔顶。On the day of the christening the palace was shining. Lights shone even to the highest tower.

弗朗西斯·克拉弗林爵士也出席了,他在那些金碧辉煌的屋子里遛了一会。Sir Francis Clavering made his appearance, and skulked for a while about the magnificent rooms.

从侧面观察,三重飞檐依次攀高,金碧辉煌,像三条穿云破雾的金龙。A close observation gives a clearer sight of the roof as three golden dragon roaming in the cloud.