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美国国债是安全的避风港。US Treasuries are the safe haven.

然而,科先生的课堂却是避风港。But Mr. K’s classroom was a haven.

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价值高的船舶稽留在躲避风港里的时间长。A dear ship stands long in the haven.

家就是你的城堡和避风港。Home is your alcazar and safe harbor.

世界在迫切地寻找安全避风港。The world is screaming for safe havens.

但是喜沙草属为它们提供了很好的避风港。But the beachgrass provides excellent cover.

就连黄金价格也出现下跌,不再是安全避风港。Even gold was a safe haven no more as prices fell.

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高收益股票能否突然成为一个避风港?Can high-yielding equities suddenly be a safe haven?

我恋家,因为家是最好的避风港。I long for family, because family is the best haven.

大量灰色收入在寻找安全的避风港。A massive amount of gray income is seeking safe haven.

但这些大都市却是宗教复兴的避风港。But these new megacities are havens for religious revivals.

确实如此,家是世界上最温暖的地方,家是避风港。Home is the warmest place in the world. Home is the harbor.

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巨型天然港普尔港是船只的避风港。The gigantic natural harbour of Poole is a haven for boats.

你们的关系将从生命的暴风雨抵达避风港。Your relationship should be a haven from the storms of life.

在这种情况下,不雅物是性焦虑男性的避风港。In this context, porn is a safe haven for male sexual anxieties.

然而,在草率地寻找国外避风港之前,投资者们应斟酌再三。But investors should dig deeper before simply seeking shelter abroad.

特别是非洲东南部国家为许多流感病毒提供了避风港。South-East Asian countries in particular harbour many influenza viruses.

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虽然黄金传统上说是投资避风港,但它近来的表现却并非如此。Gold is traditionally a safe haven, but it hasn't behaved like one lately.

在大的邻国眼里,她不过是做一些见不得人的生意的避风港而已。Larger neighbours regard it as merely a haven for dodgy business dealings.

现在,这个合唱团成了「南郭先生」和孤僻学生的「避风港」。Now, the choir became the "South Guo" and eccentric student"s "safe haven.